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ABBYY FineReader Engine Visual Components 12 and 10 Compatibility

Some of the changes are caused by the changes in FineReader Engine API. For details on these changes, please see ABBYY FineReader Engine 12 and 10 Compatibility. They are the following:

  • ProcessingParams object has been renamed to DocumentProcessingParams
  • LongsCollection object has been renamed to IntsCollection
  • long data type has been replaced with int data type in all properties and methods that used it.

Other changes:

Object/Enumeration Property/Method/Constant What has happened? Comment
ImageViewer WindowHandle The type of the property has been changed.

The property has the __int64 type.

This change has been made for 64-bit operating systems support.

IImageViewerEvents OnActivePageChanging Event invocation has been changed. The process is not invoked if the active page is changed via API of Image Viewer. When the page is changed via API, the code developer is aware of it beforehand and does not need the notification. This process is invoked only when changed by user of the application.
OnLocked Event invocation has been changed. The method is called after Image Viewer has been locked or unlocked.
OnRecognizeBlocks Renamed The new name of the method is OnReadBlocks.
OnRecognizePage Renamed The new name of the method is OnReadPage.
OnDraw Removed This method worked with low level drawing tools and presumed a large number of code to be written. As Image Viewer provides a wide variety of special tools for working with an image, so the method has been removed.
OnTableCellsSelected The second parameter has been renamed. The new name of the second parameter is Rect. This name for rectangle input parameter is generally used in FineReader Engine API.
OnToolDeleteBlocks Renamed The new name of the method is OnDeleteBlocks.
ZoomViewer WindowHandle The type of the property has been changed.

The property has the __int64 type.

This change has been made for 64-bit operating systems support.

IZoomViewerEvents OnActivePageChanging Removed The event is never invoked because the active page cannot be changed via Zoom Viewer.
OnLocked Event invocation has been changed. The method is called after Zoom Viewer has been locked or unlocked.
OnRecognizeBlocks Renamed The new name of the method is OnReadBlocks.
OnRecognizePage Renamed The new name of the method is OnReadPage.
OnDraw Removed This method worked with low level drawing tools and presumed a large number of code to be written. As Zoom Viewer provides a wide variety of special tools for working with an enlarged image, so the method has been removed.
OnTableCellsSelected The second parameter has been renamed. The new name of the second parameter is Rect. This name for rectangle input parameter is generally used in FineReader Engine API.
OnToolDeleteBlocks Renamed The new name of the method is OnDeleteBlocks.
DocumentViewer Commands List of available commands has been changed. The Style Editor is no longer available from the DocumentViewer window. The MI_EditFontStyles constant is removed from the command list for this object.
WindowHandle The type of the property has been changed.

The property has the __int64 type.

This change has been made for 64-bit operating systems support.

IDocumentViewerEvents OnRenumberPage Removed Use the OnRenumberingPages method instead. The method differs from the old one in the following aspect: the method delivers to the client the new order of pages.
OnActivePageChanging Event invocation has been changed. The process is not invoked if the active page is changed via API of Document Viewer. When the page is changed via API, the code developer is aware of it beforehand and does not need the notification. This process is invoked only when changed by user of the application.
OnLocked Event invocation has been changed. The method is called after Document Viewer has been locked or unlocked.
OnDraw Removed This method worked with low level drawing tools and presumed a large number of code to be written. As Document Viewer provides a wide variety of special tools for working with pages in the document, so the method has been removed.
OnTextEditorModeChange Removed The method is obsolete. Now there is no need to synchronize the mode of Text Editor with the export settings specified in Document Viewer.
TextEditorFlags Removed The flags are obsolete. The IDocumentViewerEvents::OnTextEditorModeChange method that used them has been removed.
TextEditor WindowHandle The type of the property has been changed.

The property has the __int64 type.

This change has been made for 64-bit operating systems support.

ITextEditorEvents OnActivePageChanging Event invocation has been changed. The process is not invoked if the active page is changed via API of Text Editor. When the page is changed via API, the code developer is aware of it beforehand and does not need the notification. This process is invoked only when changed by user of the application.
OnDraw Removed This method worked with low level drawing tools and presumed a large number of code to be written. As Text Editor provides a wide variety of special tools for editing recognized text, so the method has been removed.
TextValidator WindowHandle The type of the property has been changed.

The property has the __int64 type.

This change has been made for 64-bit operating systems support.

SkipPromptingWordForms Removed This property is no longer supported due to the changes in recognition technologies.




Renamed The new names of the methods are InsertAt, DeleteAt, DeleteAll. They have been renamed to conform to the collection methods.




Renamed The new names of the methods are InsertAt, DeleteAt, DeleteAll. They have been renamed to conform to the collection methods.
PopupMenu Insert Renamed The new name of the method is InsertAt. This method has been renamed to conform to the collection methods.




Renamed The new names of the methods are Delete, DeleteAt, DeleteAll. They have been renamed to conform to the collection methods.
Toolbar Insert Renamed The new name of the method is InsertAt. This method has been renamed to conform to the collection methods.




Renamed The new names of the methods are Delete, DeleteAt, DeleteAll. They have been renamed to conform to the collection methods.
MenuItemEnum MI_SaveAsDoc Renamed The new name of the constant is MI_SaveAsRtf. DOC output format is not supported. If you use this constant in an export method together with DOC extension of the output file, the output file will have DOC extension but will be RTF in fact.
MI_MoveBlockToBackground Removed Use the MI_BlockType_BackgroundPicture command instead. It means that the block should be assigned the "Background picture" type.



Removed To show or hide pictures and running titles in Text Editor, use the MI_ShowPictures and MI_ShowRunningTitles commands.

9/17/2024 3:14:41 PM

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