Chinese Simplified (简体中文)

LoadFromFolder Method of the FRDocument Object

This method loads the contents of the FRDocument object from the specified folder, where it should have previously been saved by the SaveToFolder method.

Important! Use this method to load the documents saved only by ABBYY FineReader Engine 12. If you want to load the documents saved by the previously supported versions of ABBYY FineReader Engine, use the ConvertFromOldVersion method instead.



HRESULT LoadFromFolder( BSTR Path );


void LoadFromFolder( string Path );

Visual Basic .NET

Sub LoadFromFolder(Path As String)


[in] This variable contains the full path to the folder to load document from.

Return values

This method has no specific return values. It returns the standard return values of ABBYY FineReader Engine functions.


  • Some methods may work differently for the original document and the document loaded from folder as only the latest state of the document is saved to folder, the history of changes is not kept.
  • This method does not report any events to the listeners attached to the IConnectionPointContainer interface of the FRDocument object.

See also


9/17/2024 3:14:41 PM

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