Chinese Simplified (简体中文)


TextLanguageLetterSetEnum enumeration constants describe different types of letter sets that may be assigned to a text language.

typedef enum {
} TextLanguageLetterSetEnum;


Name Description
TLLS_InterwordPunctuators This value denotes punctuation marks that may be found between words. There is no analogue of such letter set for a base language, as base language refers only to words and characters in the words.
TLLS_Prefixes This value denotes punctuation marks that may appear immediately before a word. These punctuation marks are additional to those defined by the base language.
TLLS_ProhibitedLetters This value denotes a set of letters that are prohibited for the current text language. They will never appear in the recognized text.
TLLS_Suffixes This value denotes punctuation marks that may appear immediately after a word. These punctuation marks are additional to those defined by the base language.

Used in


9/17/2024 3:14:41 PM

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