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PictureResolutionParams Object (IPictureResolutionParams Interface)

This object provides functionality for tuning the resolution of writing images to output files depending on the image format. You can set different resolutions for color, gray, and black-and-white images, requesting this object through the ColorPictureResolutionParams, GrayPictureResolutionParams, or BwPictureResolutionParams properties of the PDFPictureCompressionParams object, respectively.

Note: Properties of the PDFExportParams object have priority over the properties of its subobjects. If you change the value of the ResolutionType or Resolution properties of the PDFExportParams object, the values of the corresponding properties of this object will be automatically overwritten. Set the resolution-related properties of the PDFExportParams object first and then use this object to change the resolution for the images of a particular colority.


Name Type Description
Application Engine, read-only Returns the Engine object.
Type PDFResolutionTypeEnum

Defines how to use the value of the picture resolution specified in the Value property.

Note: If this property is PRT_Source, the Value property will be ignored.

By default, the value of this property is PRT_Desired.

Value int

Specifies the picture resolution in dpi. You can only assign a positive value to this property. The Type property specifies how the value of this property must be interpreted.


  • The specified resolution cannot be higher then the original resolution.
  • If the Type property is set to PRT_Source, the value of this property will be ignored.

The default value of this property is 300 dpi.

Related objects

Object Diagram

See also

Tuning Export Parameters

Working with Profiles

Working with Properties

9/17/2024 3:14:41 PM

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