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Documentation Changes

This section lists the changes that have been made to documentation since the latest release.

Documentation section What has changed Comment
Developer's Help and User's Guide
This guide is now available online.
Glossary A new article listing the ABBYY FineReader Engine terms and abbreviations along with the useful links.
Guided Tour
Using in .NET Core Information about collecting garbage has been added to this article.
Using ABBYY FineReader Engine in Java Information about collecting garbage has been added to this article.
Recognizing Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Languages The Japanese (Modern) language now has a more detailed description of its composition and contains advice for using.
Barcode Recognition This scenario has been more fully described.
Recognizing Barcodes The subsection about start and stop delimiters in Code 39 has been deleted, as the value of IsCode39WithoutAsterisk property is automatically detected now.
ZUGFeRD-compliant electronic invoices This article has been completely rewritten.
API Reference
ABBYY FineReader Engine 12 Object Diagram Object diagram now has a new graphical representation.
Functions InitializeEngine The description of the FREngineDataFolder property has been updated due to changes concerning a folder with licensing information.
Engine object CreateBusinessCardSynthesisParams A new method which creates the BusinessCardSynthesisParams object has been added.
IEngine::ReleaseOnlineLicense This is a new method for releasing an Online License with a limited number of concurrent users.



These functions have been deleted from the ABBYY FineReader Engine API.



The new methods to check if an input PDF is a PDF Portfolio.
Engine loaders InitializeEngine::GetEngineObject
These methods have been deleted from the ABBYY FineReader Engine API.
InitializeEngine The description of the FREngineDataFolder property has been updated due to changes concerning a folder with licensing information.
Image-related objects PrepareImageMode The KeepOriginalCoordinatesInfo property has been marked deprecated and scheduled for deletion in future releases.
Text-related objects BarcodeSymbol The Top, Bottom, Left, Right properties have been marked deprecated and scheduled for deletion in future versions.
These are new properties for working with the user bookmarks.
IParagraph::DeleteBookmark When deleting a user bookmark, its name must be specified in the format "UserDefinedBookmark:<my_user_bookmark>".
Hyperlink When creating a hyperlink to a user bookmark, its name must be specified in the format "UserDefinedBookmark:<my_user_bookmark>".
ParagraphParams The measurement units have been corrected for properties in the Indents and spacing section.



This property now has the default value 0.
Document-related objects IFRDocument::ConvertFromOldVersion This is a new method for loading the contents of the document saved by the previously supported versions of ABBYY FineReader Engine.
IFRDocument::SourceHasDigitalSignature This new property indicates if one of the documents was a digitally signed PDF.
IFRDocument ::CheckTextLayer A new method for detecting a text on specified pages of the PDF file or checking the text for reliability.
IFRDocument::SourceHasTextualContent This property has been marked deprecated and scheduled for deletion in future versions.
IFRDocument ::AllocatedSize This is a new property for getting the size of the memory allocated for the IFRDocument object.
IFRDocument::AddImageFileFromAttachment A new method to open an image file and add the pages from it.
IFRPage::SynthesizeBusinessCardEx This new method detects business card fields using the synthesis parameters.
IFRPage::SourceHasDigitalSignature This new property indicates if source file of the page was a digitally signed PDF.
IFRPage::SourceFilePageIndex A new property that returns the index of the page in the source file.
PDFAttachment::FileFormat The new property to define the file format after its opening.
Parameter objects IBarcodeParams::EnableBarcodesCheck This is a new property for using the barcodes checking classifier.
BarcodeParams The EnableAdvancedExtractionMode, IsCode39WithoutAsterisk and MinRatioToTextHeight properties have been marked deprecated and scheduled for deletion in future versions.
BusinessCardSynthesisParams A new object for setting up the parameters of the business card synthesis.
SynthesisParamsForPage::BusinessCardSynthesisParams A new property to access the parameters of business card synthesis.
IRecognizerParams::Mode This is a new property for specifying recognition mode. Use this property instead of the FastMode and BalancedMode properties that have been marked deprecated and scheduled for deletion in future versions.
ITextLayerInjectionParams::AllowChangePDFAView A new property for changing the appearance of the output PDF file in case of problems with document processing has been added.
PageAnalysisParams::EnableExhaustiveAnalysisMode This property has been marked deprecated and scheduled for deletion in future versions.
FontFormattingDetectionParams::DetectSpacing This property is now FALSE by default.
MultiProcessingParams The ProcessPdfInOneThread property has been marked deprecated and scheduled for deletion in future releases.



These are the new objects that are used for adding custom pictures to a PDF. Additionally, the code sample describing the picture export has been added to the PDFPictures article.
PDFExportParams This object now has the new PDFPictures property to access the collection of the custom pictures contained in the PDFPictures object.
License-related objects ILicense::VolumeRefreshingDate This is a new method for obtaining a renewal date of the license limitations in the number of pages processed.
Supplementary objects IRegion The description of this object has been improved.
Enumerations FREngineVersionEnum This is a new enumeration for listing the previously supported versions of ABBYY FineReader Engine.
BarcodeTypeEnum The new BT_AutodetectWithoutPostal constant for excluding postal barcodes from autodetection has been added.
SourceContentReuseModeEnum The new CRM_ContentAndPictures constant has been added to this enumeration.
The description of CRM_Auto has been improved.
The remark about determining the type of word model has been added.
RecognitionModeEnum This new enumeration denotes the modes of recognition.
AltoVersionEnum New ALTO versions (4.0, 4.1, 4.2) have been added.
BarcodeTypeEnum This enumeration now has a new BT_JapanPost constant which supports the Japanese Post 4-State barcodes recognition.
PDFAttachmentBindingEnum This enumeration has got the new PAB_Portfolio to attach the associated files.
ImageFileFormatEnum This enumeration got new constants to define file formats for PDF Porfolios: IFF_Bmp, IFF_Dcx, IFF_DjVu, IFF_Gif, IFF_Jpeg, IFF_Jpeg2k, IFF_Pcx, IFF_Png, IFF_Tiff.
FontEmbeddingModeEnum The new FEM_EmbedFullWhenNeeded and FEM_EmbedSubsetWhenNeeded constants about embedding the whole font or only the subset have been added.
BlockLayerTypeEnum The BLT_Unknown constant has been deleted from the ABBYY FineReader Engine API.
OfficeConverterTypeEnum New LibreOffice versions (7.2, 7.3) are now supported.
Distribution Installing the ABBYY FineReader Engine Library in Automatic Mode BCPATTERNS, ALLUSERS, ARCH, /v options are no longer used for automatic installation. They have been marked deprecated and scheduled for deletion in future versions. Use /quiet option instead of /q.
You must run installRnt32(64).exe or installDev32(64).exe instead of setup.exe.
This article has been updated with notes about installation details.
The new /extract option for unpacking necessary ABBYY FineReader Engine files has been added.
The note about setting the SERVERNAME option has been added to the LICENSESRV option description.
The new LICENSEDATADIR option to set the directory for storing the licensing information has been added.
Running ABBYY FineReader Engine in Azure Services This is a new section containing the descriptions of scenarios on how to run your application in Azure Services.
Installing the Licensing Service
Installing the ABBYY FineReader Engine Library
Installing the ABBYY FineReader Engine Library in Manual Mode
These articles have been updated with notes about installation details.
Licensing Modules The Balanced Mode and Fast Mode modules have been marked deprecated and scheduled for deletion in future versions. The recognition mode is no longer protected by the license.
About ABBYY FineReader Engine Activation The e-mail for license activation has been corrected.
This article now has a better description of the Online License lifecycle.
Working with the LicensingSettings.xml File The new "EnableIKeyLicenses" tag to use iKey hardware protection keys has been added, and the sample of disabling hardware protection keys has been corrected.
The new "LicenseFolder" tag with the Path attribute to specify the path to a folder with the licensing information has been added. See also the example describing how to change this attribute value in this article.
License Manager Utility The new "Release Online Licenses..." option has been added to this utility.
Online Licensing This article now has a better description of the Online License lifecycle and information on how to release it.
Predefined Languages in ABBYY FineReader Engine The Bangla language is now supported.
JapaneseModern language is now supported for Business Card Recognition.
Predefined Profiles Specification The descriptions of profiles have been updated.
Supported Image Formats This article now has the list of unsupported PDF formats.
Special predefined languages The new Arabic_Amount language for sums recognition is now supported.  
Barcode types The description of JapanPost barcodes has been added to this article.
System Requirements The list of supported versions of .NET Framework for Windows Installer XML Toolset (WiX) has been added.
The lists of supported virtual environments and Java Development Kits have been updated.
Windows 7 SP1, Windows Server 2008 R2, Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008 and Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 are no longer supported.
Windows Server 2022 and Windows 11 are now supported.
This guide is now available online.
Basic Installation Scenarios

The descriptions of all installation scenarios have been updated with the detailed information about new command lines, creating packages, restoring the COM components registration, etc.

BCPATTERNS, ALLUSERS, ARCH, /v keys are no longer used for automatic installation. They have been marked deprecated and scheduled for deletion in future versions. Use /quiet key instead of /q.
You must run installRnt32(64).exe or installDev32(64).exe instead of setup.exe.

The new Runtime article describing details of this installation type has been added.
The manual scenarios have been updated due to new information about permissions granted to a folder with the license data.
Code Samples Library
CommandLineInterface -beae, -bmrth, -fm, and -rbm keys have been marked deprecated and scheduled for deletion in future versions.
The new -rm key for recognition mode has been added.

Hello for Java
These samples in Java are no longer use the Close method.
Hello A new code sample illustrating how to use ABBYY FineReader Engine functionality in .NET Core has been added.
C# code samples Now, all samples in C# are divided into two groups: C# for .NET Framework and C# for .NET Core.

Release history

Release 4 (build

Release 3 (build

Release 2 (build

9/17/2024 3:14:41 PM

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