Chinese Simplified (简体中文)

IScanCallback Interface

This is a callback interface that is used for managing scanning operations. This interface is implemented on the client-side.

An object receiving notifications through this interface's methods may do the following inside the methods' implementation:

  • Process any Windows messages, which is useful in applications having User Interface, to avoid the effect that the application "is not responding" during long operations.
  • Report errors which occurred during scanning to the user.
  • Cancel processing.


Name Description
OnError Delivers to the client information about the errors that occurred during scanning.
OnImageScanned Delivers information about the course of the scanning operation and allows it to be stopped if necessary.
OnScanComplete Gives notification that the scanning operation has been completed.

Input parameter

This object is passed as an input parameter to the following methods:


This object is used in the following code samples: Scanning.

See also


9/17/2024 3:14:41 PM

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