MenuItemEnum enumeration constants describe different commands available in the Image Viewer, Zoom Viewer, Text Editor, or Document Viewer components. For more information about the components, in which the this or that command can be used, see the description of the corresponding constant.
See also the list of available commands and the ways these commands can be used in each component:
typedef enum { MI_Separator, MI_SubMenu, // Changing block type MI_BlockType_RecognitionArea, MI_BlockType_Text, MI_BlockType_Table, MI_BlockType_Picture, MI_BlockType_Barcode, MI_BlockType_BackgroundPicture, // Image preprocessing MI_RotateClockwise, MI_RotateCounterClockwise, MI_RotateUpsideDown, MI_FlipHorizontal, MI_FlipVertical, MI_InvertImage, MI_StraightenTextLines, MI_DeskewImage, MI_CorrectResolution, MI_RemoveMotionBlur, MI_ReduceISONoise, MI_CorrectPerspective, MI_AutosplitImage MI_SplitImage, MI_CropImage, // Tool selection MI_ChooseTool_DrawRecognitionArea, MI_ChooseTool_DrawTextBlock, MI_ChooseTool_DrawTableBlock, MI_ChooseTool_DrawPictureBlock, MI_ChooseTool_DrawBackgroundPictureBlock, MI_ChooseTool_DrawBarcodeBlock, MI_ChooseTool_SelectObject, MI_ChooseTool_AddBlockPart, MI_ChooseTool_CutBlockPart, MI_ChooseTool_RenumberBlocks, MI_ChooseTool_DeleteBlock, MI_ChooseTool_AddVertSeparator, MI_ChooseTool_AddHorizSeparator, MI_ChooseTool_DeleteSeparator, MI_ChooseTool_Eraser, // Scaling MI_Scale_ZoomIn, MI_Scale_ZoomOut, MI_Scale_800, MI_Scale_600, MI_Scale_400, MI_Scale_300, MI_Scale_200, MI_Scale_175, MI_Scale_150, MI_Scale_125, MI_Scale_100, MI_Scale_75, MI_Scale_50, MI_Scale_25, MI_Scale_FitToWidth, MI_Scale_FitToHeight, MI_Scale_BestFit, MI_Scale_ZoomToSelBlocks, MI_Scale_PixelToPixel, // Processing MI_Read, MI_ReadBlock, MI_AnalyzeLayout, MI_AnalyzeLayoutInBlock, MI_AnalyzeTableStructure, // Printing MI_PrintImage, MI_PrintText, MI_Properties, // Editing MI_Undo, MI_Redo, MI_Cut, MI_Copy, MI_Paste, MI_SelectAll, MI_SplitTableCells, MI_MergeTableCells, MI_FontBold, MI_FontItalic, MI_FontUnderlined, MI_FontSubscript, MI_FontSuperscript, MI_AlignParagraphsLeft, MI_CenterParagraphs, MI_AlignParagraphsRight, MI_JustifyParagraphs, MI_ShowSpecials, MI_ShowUncertain, MI_HyperlinkEdit, MI_HyperlinkOpen, MI_HyperlinkRemove, MI_DeletePicture, MI_EditFontStyles, // Layout editing MI_BlockDelete, MI_LayoutClear, // Batch processing MI_RenumberPages, MI_DeletePage, MI_NextPage, MI_PrevPage, MI_GotoPage, MI_DocumentViewThumbnails, MI_DocumentViewDetails, // Languages and dictionaries MI_Options, MI_LanguageEditor, MI_ViewDictionaries, // Find and replace MI_Find, MI_FindNext, MI_Replace, // Spelling MI_CheckSpelling, MI_PrevError, MI_NextError, // Text orientation MI_TextNormal, MI_TextRotatedLeft, MI_TextRotatedRight, MI_TextUpsideDown, // Text direction MI_TextDirectionAuto, MI_TextDirectionHorizontal, MI_TextDirectionVertical, // Text role MI_TextRoleUnknown, MI_TextRoleMainText, MI_TextRoleRunningTitle, MI_TextRoleIncutText, MI_TextRoleCaption, MI_TextRoleLineNumbers, MI_TextRoleArtefact, // Save as MI_SaveAsRtf, MI_SaveAsDocX, MI_SaveAsXls, MI_SaveAsXlsX, MI_SaveAsPdf, MI_SaveAsPdfA, MI_SaveAsPptX, MI_SaveAsHtm, MI_SaveAsTxt, MI_SaveAsCsv, MI_SaveAsOdt, MI_SaveAsFb2, MI_SaveAsEpub, // Send to MI_SendToMSWord, MI_SendToMSExcel, MI_SendToPowerPoint, MI_SendToWordPro, MI_SendToWordPerfect, MI_SendToOpenOffice, MI_SendToWebBrowser, MI_SendToClipboard, MI_SendToAcrobat, // User commands MI_CustomCommand1, MI_CustomCommand2, MI_CustomCommand3, MI_CustomCommand4, MI_CustomCommand5, MI_CustomCommand6, MI_CustomCommand7, MI_CustomCommand8, MI_CustomCommand9, MI_CustomCommand10 // Other MI_ShowRunningTitles, MI_ShowPictures, MI_AdjustPage, MI_IgnoreAll, MI_AddToDictionary, MI_SetLanguage } MenuItemEnum;
Name | Description | Available in |
MI_AddToDictionary | Adds the selected word to a spelling dictionary. | TextEditor |
MI_AdjustPage | Opens the Image Editor dialog box, which allows you to perform different transformations on images. | ImageViewer |
MI_AlignParagraphsLeft | Aligns the selected paragraphs with the left margin. | TextEditor |
MI_AlignParagraphsRight | Aligns the selected paragraphs with the right margin. | TextEditor |
MI_AnalyzeLayout | Analyzes layout of the active image page or selected image pages automatically. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer DocumentViewer |
MI_AnalyzeLayoutInBlock | Analyzes layout in the active area automatically. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer |
MI_AnalyzeTableStructure | Draws rows and columns in the selected table automatically. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer |
MI_AutosplitImage | Finds the positions of splitting images on pages and splits the images. | ImageViewer |
MI_BlockDelete | Deletes selected blocks. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer |
MI_BlockType_BackgroundPicture | Changes the type of the selected block to Background Picture. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer |
MI_BlockType_Barcode | Changes the type of the selected block to Barcode. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer |
MI_BlockType_Picture | Changes the type of the selected block to Picture. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer |
MI_BlockType_RecognitionArea | Changes the type of the selected block to Recognition Area. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer |
MI_BlockType_Table | Changes the type of the selected block to Table. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer |
MI_BlockType_Text | Changes the type of the selected block to Text. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer |
MI_CenterParagraphs | Centers the selected paragraphs. | TextEditor |
MI_CheckSpelling | Opens the Check Spelling dialog box (the Text Validator component), which allows you to verify recognized text. | TextEditor |
MI_ChooseTool_AddBlockPart | Selects the tool which allows you to add block part. | ImageViewer |
MI_ChooseTool_AddHorizSeparator | Selects the tool which allows you to add horizontal separator to a table block. | ImageViewer |
MI_ChooseTool_AddVertSeparator | Selects the tool which allows you to add vertical separator to a table block. | ImageViewer |
MI_ChooseTool_CutBlockPart | Selects the tool which allows you to cut block part. | ImageViewer |
MI_ChooseTool_DeleteBlock | Selects the tool which allows you to delete block. | ImageViewer |
MI_ChooseTool_DeleteSeparator | Selects the tool which allows you to remove separator from a table block. | ImageViewer |
MI_ChooseTool_DrawBackgroundPictureBlock | Selects the tool which allows you to draw a background picture block. | ImageViewer |
MI_ChooseTool_DrawBarcodeBlock | Selects the tool which allows you to draw a barcode block. | ImageViewer |
MI_ChooseTool_DrawPictureBlock | Selects the tool which allows you to draw a picture block. | ImageViewer |
MI_ChooseTool_DrawRecognitionArea | Selects the tool which allows you to draw a recognition area. | ImageViewer |
MI_ChooseTool_DrawTableBlock | Selects the tool which allows you to draw a table block. | ImageViewer |
MI_ChooseTool_DrawTextBlock | Selects the tool which allows you to draw a text block. | ImageViewer |
MI_ChooseTool_Eraser | Selects the eraser tool. | ImageViewer |
MI_ChooseTool_RenumberBlocks | Selects the tool which allows you to renumber blocks. | ImageViewer |
MI_ChooseTool_SelectObject | Selects the selection tool. | ImageViewer |
MI_Copy | Copies the selected text to the Clipboard. | TextEditor |
MI_CorrectPerspective | Corrects trapezium perspective distortions on an image. | ImageViewer |
MI_CorrectResolution | Opens the Image Resolution dialog box, which allows you to correct image resolution. | ImageViewer |
MI_CropImage | Crops an image. | ImageViewer |
MI_Cut | Deletes the selected text and copies it to the Clipboard. | TextEditor |
MI_DeletePage | Deletes page. | DocumentViewer |
MI_DeletePicture | Deletes selected picture. | TextEditor |
MI_DeskewImage | Corrects image skew. | ImageViewer |
MI_DocumentViewDetails | Selects the Details document view. | DocumentViewer |
MI_DocumentViewThumbnails | Selects the Thumbnails document view. | DocumentViewer |
MI_EditFontStyles | Opens the Style Editor dialog box, which allows you to edit font style and formatting. | TextEditor |
MI_Find | Opens the Find dialog box, which allows you to find the text line in the recognized text. | TextEditor |
MI_FindNext | Finds the next occurrence of the specified text. | TextEditor |
MI_FlipHorizontal | Flips the image horizontally. |
ImageViewer DocumentViewer |
MI_FlipVertical | Flips the image vertically. |
ImageViewer DocumentViewer |
MI_FontBold | Makes the selection bold. | TextEditor |
MI_FontItalic | Makes the selection italic. | TextEditor |
MI_FontSubscript | Makes the selection subscript reducing its font size. | TextEditor |
MI_FontSuperscript | Makes the selection superscript reducing its font size. | TextEditor |
MI_FontUnderlined | Underlines the selection with a single line. | TextEditor |
MI_GotoPage | Goes to the specified page. | DocumentViewer |
MI_HyperlinkEdit | Allows you to edit hyperlinks. | TextEditor |
MI_HyperlinkOpen | Follows the hyperlink. | TextEditor |
MI_HyperlinkRemove | Removes the hyperlink. | TextEditor |
MI_IgnoreAll | Ignores all the occurrences of the word during spell checking. | TextEditor |
MI_InvertImage | Inverts the image. Useful for inverted images (white characters against black background). | ImageViewer |
MI_JustifyParagraphs | Aligns the selected paragraphs to both the left and right margins or indents. | TextEditor |
MI_LanguageEditor | Opens the Language Editor dialog box, which allows you to select and edit recognition languages. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer DocumentViewer |
MI_LayoutClear | Deletes all blocks on the page. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer |
MI_MergeTableCells | Merges the selected table cells into one. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer TextEditor |
MI_NextError | Moves the cursor position to the next uncertainly recognized character or word in the text. | TextEditor |
MI_NextPage | Shows next page. |
ImageViewer TextEditor DocumentViewer |
MI_Options | Shows the Options dialog box, which allows you to specify different viewing and saving options. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer TextEditor DocumentViewer |
MI_Paste | Inserts the text copied to the Clipboard at the insertion point. | TextEditor |
MI_PrevError | Moves the cursor position to the previous uncertainly recognized character or word in the text. | TextEditor |
MI_PrevPage | Shows previous page. |
ImageViewer TextEditor DocumentViewer |
MI_PrintImage | Prints the image. | ImageViewer |
MI_PrintText | Prints the recognized text. | TextEditor |
MI_Properties | Shows the properties of the selected element (e.g., image, block, character, page). |
ImageViewer TextEditor DocumentViewer |
MI_Read | Recognizes the active page or selected pages. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer DocumentViewer |
MI_ReadBlock | Recognizes the selected block. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer |
MI_Redo | Cancels the latest undone action. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer TextEditor |
MI_ReduceISONoise | Reduces ISO noise on the image. | ImageViewer |
MI_RemoveMotionBlur | Removes motion blur from the image. | ImageViewer |
MI_RenumberPages | Allows you to renumber pages. | DocumentViewer |
MI_Replace | Opens the Replace dialog box, which allows you to replace the text line in the recognized text with another text line. | TextEditor |
MI_RotateClockwise | Rotates the image 90° clockwise. |
ImageViewer DocumentViewer |
MI_RotateCounterClockwise | Rotates the image 90° counter-clockwise. |
ImageViewer DocumentViewer |
MI_RotateUpsideDown | Rotates the image upside down (180°). |
ImageViewer DocumentViewer |
MI_SaveAsCsv | Saves the recognized text in CSV format. | DocumentViewer |
MI_SaveAsDocX | Saves the recognized text in DOCX format. | DocumentViewer |
MI_SaveAsEpub | Saves the recognized text in EPUB format. | DocumentViewer |
MI_SaveAsFb2 | Saves the recognized text in FB2 format. | DocumentViewer |
MI_SaveAsHtm | Saves the recognized text in HTML format. | DocumentViewer |
MI_SaveAsOdt | Saves the recognized text in ODT format. | DocumentViewer |
MI_SaveAsPdf | Saves the recognized text in PDF format. | DocumentViewer |
MI_SaveAsPdfA | Saves the recognized text in PDF/A format. | DocumentViewer |
MI_SaveAsPptX | Saves the recognized text in PPTX format. | DocumentViewer |
MI_SaveAsRtf | Saves the recognized text in RTF format. | DocumentViewer |
MI_SaveAsTxt | Saves the recognized text in TXT format. | DocumentViewer |
MI_SaveAsXls | Saves the recognized text in XLS format. | DocumentViewer |
MI_SaveAsXlsX | Saves the recognized text in XLSX format. | DocumentViewer |
MI_Scale_100 | Selects 100% scale value for an image (text). |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer TextEditor |
MI_Scale_125 | Selects 125% scale value for a text. | TextEditor |
MI_Scale_150 | Selects 150% scale value for a text. | TextEditor |
MI_Scale_175 | Selects 175% scale value for a text. | TextEditor |
MI_Scale_200 | Selects 200% scale value for an image (text). |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer TextEditor |
MI_Scale_25 | Selects 25% scale value for an image. | ImageViewer |
MI_Scale_300 | Selects 300% scale value for an image. | ZoomViewer |
MI_Scale_400 | Selects 400% scale value for an image. | ZoomViewer |
MI_Scale_50 | Selects 50% scale value for an image (text). |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer TextEditor |
MI_Scale_600 | Selects 600% scale value for an image. | ZoomViewer |
MI_Scale_75 | Selects 75% scale value for a text. | TextEditor |
MI_Scale_800 | Selects 800% scale value for an image. | ZoomViewer |
MI_Scale_BestFit | Selects the best view for the image (text). |
ImageViewer TextEditor |
MI_Scale_FitToHeight | Fits image (text) view to height. |
ImageViewer TextEditor |
MI_Scale_FitToWidth | Fits image (text) view to width. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer TextEditor |
MI_Scale_PixelToPixel | Displays image in its actual size in pixels. | ZoomViewer |
MI_Scale_ZoomIn | Zooms into the image or text. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer TextEditor |
MI_Scale_ZoomOut | Zooms out of the image or text. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer TextEditor |
MI_Scale_ZoomToSelBlocks | Maximizes the selected blocks. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer |
MI_SelectAll | Selects all elements (blocks, text, pages) in the component. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer TextEditor DocumentViewer |
MI_SendToAcrobat | Opens a recognized text in Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader. | DocumentViewer |
MI_SendToClipboard | Pastes a recognized text to Clipboard. | DocumentViewer |
MI_SendToMSExcel | Opens a recognized text in Microsoft Excel. | DocumentViewer |
MI_SendToMSWord | Opens a recognized text in Microsoft Word. | DocumentViewer |
MI_SendToOpenOffice | Opens a recognized text in | DocumentViewer |
MI_SendToPowerPoint | Opens a recognized text in Microsoft PowerPoint. | DocumentViewer |
MI_SendToWebBrowser | Opens a recognized text in the Internet browser. | DocumentViewer |
MI_SendToWordPerfect | Opens a recognized text in Corel WordPerfect. | DocumentViewer |
MI_SendToWordPro | Opens a recognized text in Lotus Word Pro. | DocumentViewer |
MI_Separator | Adds a separator to the toolbar or context menu. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer TextEditor DocumentViewer |
MI_SetLanguage | Opens the Select Language dialog box, which allows you to change recognition language for uncertainly recognized words. | TextEditor |
MI_ShowPictures | Shows or hides pictures. | TextEditor |
MI_ShowRunningTitles | Shows or hides running titles. | TextEditor |
MI_ShowSpecials | Displays non-printable characters. | TextEditor |
MI_ShowUncertain | Highlights uncertainly recognized characters. | TextEditor |
MI_SplitImage | Splits image into several parts. | ImageViewer |
MI_SplitTableCells | Splits the previously merged cells. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer TextEditor |
MI_StraightenTextLines | Removes text line distortions. | ImageViewer |
MI_SubMenu | Adds submenu to the context menu. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer TextEditor DocumentViewer |
MI_TextDirectionAuto | Specifies that CJK text direction should be automatically detected. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer |
MI_TextDirectionHorizontal | Specifies that CJK text has horizontal writing direction. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer |
MI_TextDirectionVertical | Specifies that CJK text has vertical writing direction. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer |
MI_TextNormal | Specifies that the text in the block has normal orientation. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer |
MI_TextRoleArtefact | Specifies that the text in the block has some other role, not listed below. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer |
MI_TextRoleCaption | Specifies that the text in the block is a caption. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer |
MI_TextRoleIncutText | Specifies that the text in the block is a boxed text. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer |
MI_TextRoleLineNumbers | Specifies that the text in the block is line numbers. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer |
MI_TextRoleMainText | Specifies that the text in the block is a body text. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer |
MI_TextRoleRunningTitle | Specifies that the text in the block is a header or footer. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer |
MI_TextRoleUnknown | Specifies that the role of the text in the block is undefined. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer |
MI_TextRotatedLeft | Specifies that the text in the block is rotated left. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer |
MI_TextRotatedRight | Specifies that the text in the block is rotated right. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer |
MI_TextUpsideDown | Specifies that the text in the block is rotated upside down. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer |
MI_Undo | Cancels the latest action. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer TextEditor |
MI_ViewDictionaries | Opens the Select Dictionary dialog box, which allows you to view and edit dictionary properties. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer TextEditor DocumentViewer |
MI_CustomCommand1 | Allows you to define a custom command. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer TextEditor DocumentViewer |
MI_CustomCommand2 | Allows you to define a custom command. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer TextEditor DocumentViewer |
MI_CustomCommand3 | Allows you to define a custom command. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer TextEditor DocumentViewer |
MI_CustomCommand4 | Allows you to define a custom command. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer TextEditor DocumentViewer |
MI_CustomCommand5 | Allows you to define a custom command. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer TextEditor DocumentViewer |
MI_CustomCommand6 | Allows you to define a custom command. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer TextEditor DocumentViewer |
MI_CustomCommand7 | Allows you to define a custom command. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer TextEditor DocumentViewer |
MI_CustomCommand8 | Allows you to define a custom command. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer TextEditor DocumentViewer |
MI_CustomCommand9 | Allows you to define a custom command. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer TextEditor DocumentViewer |
MI_CustomCommand10 | Allows you to define a custom command. |
ImageViewer ZoomViewer TextEditor DocumentViewer |
Used in
See also
Customizing the Context Menu and Toolbar of a Visual Component
9/17/2024 3:14:41 PM