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ScanSourceCapabilities Object (IScanSourceCapabilities Interface)

This object provides access to possible settings of the scanning source. The properties cannot be changed because they correspond to actual capabilities of the scanner.


Name Type Description
Application Engine, read-only Returns the Engine object.
BrightnessControls int, read-only Describes possible brightness control modes of the scanning source as bitwise OR of ScanBrightnessControlEnum constants.
ColorModes int, read-only Describes possible color modes of the scanning source as bitwise OR of ScanColorModeEnum constants.
Compressions int, read-only Returns the possible compression mode for the specified color mode. The result is a bitwise OR of ScanCompressionTypeEnum constants.
CorrectSkewSupported VARIANT_BOOL, read-only TRUE if the scanner supports automatic skew correction, and FALSE otherwise.
DiscardBlankPagesSupported VARIANT_BOOL, read-only TRUE if the scanner supports automatic removal of blank pages, and FALSE otherwise.
HasDuplexMode VARIANT_BOOL, read-only Specifies whether the scanner is capable of scanning duplex, that is, automatically scanning both sides of the page being processed.
MaxPaperHeight int, read-only Specifies the maximum height of the page possible for scanning in milli-inches.
MaxPaperWidth int, read-only Specifies the maximum width of the page possible for scanning in milli-inches.
PaperFeedModes int, read-only Describes the possible paper source as bitwise OR of ScanPaperFeedModeEnum constants.
PaperSizes IntsCollection, read-only Returns a list of possible page sizes for the scanner. The values in this list correspond to the constants of ScanPaperSizeEnum.
Resolutions IntsCollection, read-only A collection of possible resolutions for this scanning source.
RotationAngles int, read-only Describes possible rotation angles as bitwise OR of ScanRotationAngleEnum constants.
RotationEnabled VARIANT_BOOL, read-only Specifies whether the scanner supports automatic rotation of scanned pages.

Related objects

Object Diagram


This object is used in the Scanning code sample.

See also


Working with Properties

17.09.2024 15:14:41

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