Microsoft Excel Tasks


Using the tasks on the Microsoft Excel tab of the Task window, you can easily convert images of tables to Microsoft Excel.

  1. From the Document language drop-down list at the top of the window, select the languages of your document.
  2. From the Color mode drop-down list, select either full-color or black-and-white mode.

Important! Once the document is converted to black and white, you will not be able to restore the colors.

  1. Select desired document options in the right-hand section of the window:
    • Document layout options
    • Select Keep pictures if you want to preserve the pictures in the output document
    • Select Create separate worksheet for each page if you want each page of the original document to be saved as a separate Microsoft Excel worksheet

For more about the saving options available for Microsoft Excel, see "Saving Tables."

  1. Click the button of the task that you need:
    • Scan to Microsoft Excel scans a paper document and converts it to Microsoft Excel
    • Image or PDF File to Microsoft Excel converts PDF documents or image files to Microsoft Excel
    • Photo to Microsoft Excel converts photos of documents to Microsoft Excel

As a result, a new Microsoft Excel document will be created containing the text of your original document.

Important! When you start a built-in task, the currently selected program options are used. If you decide to change any of the options, you will need to restart the task.

1/14/2020 5:26:19 PM

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