- Bulgarian (Български)
- Chinese Simplified (简体中文)
- Chinese Traditional (繁體中文)
- Czech (Čeština)
- Danish (Dansk)
- Dutch (Nederlands)
- Estonian (Eesti)
- French (Français)
- German (Deutsch)
- Greek (Ελληνικά)
- Hungarian (Magyar)
- Italian (Italiano)
- Japanese (日本語)
- Korean (한국어)
- Polish (Polski)
- Portuguese (Brazilian) (Português (Brasil))
- Slovak (Slovenský)
- Spanish (Español)
- Swedish (Svenska)
- Turkish (Türkçe)
- Ukrainian (Українська)
- Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)
Tips for Improving OCR Quality
This section provides advice on selecting the OCR options that best match the structure of your document and on choosing the right settings to handle non-standard situations.
- If the Complex Structure of a Paper Document Is Not Reproduced
- If Areas Are Detected Incorrectly
- If You Are Processing a Large Number of Documents with Identical Layouts
- If a Table Is Not Detected
- If a Picture Is Not Detected
- Adjusting Area Properties
- Incorrect Font Is Used or Some Characters Are Replaced with "?" or "□"
- If Your Printed Document Contains Non-Standard Fonts
- If Your Text Contains Too Many Specialized or Rare Terms
- If the Program Fails to Recognize Some of the Characters
- If Vertical or Inverted Text Is Not Recognized
- If a Barcode Is Not Detected
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