Verifying line items
A line item is a set of invoice lines, each of which corresponds to a purchased product or service. Generally, an item contains such fields as Order Number, Article Number, Description, Quantity, Unit Price, Total Price, etc. (to learn more, check the List of captured fields).
Searching for Line Items
If line items have been identified incorrectly, the operator may mark the first item manually. Next time, the program will use this information to improve matching results.
Note: To run the Continue Line Items command, specify the country of a vendor or invoice recipient by filling in the relevant fields in the data form.
If Line Items have been matched incorrectly:
- Draw a rectangle that encloses the first item
- Mark all its fields
- Click
Continue Line Items on the top panel of the image editor
The program will match the remaining items automatically using the information about the position of the first line item and its regions.
If you still find the searching results unsatisfactory, proceed as follows:
- Modify the position of the first wrongly matched item
- Specify its fields
- Click
Continue Line Items on the top panel of the image editor
The program will match the remaining items automatically using the information about the current item and the items above.
If needed, draw a rectangle that will enclose all items and set the breakdown of items with horizontal separators.
Searching for fields in items
If items have been correctly matched, but not all fields has been found properly, an Operator may manually specify the position of field regions for some items. Next time, the program will use this information to improve matching results.
To analyze items once again, proceed as follows:
- Place field regions inside the first item
- Click
Reanalyze Line Items Below on the top panel of the image editor
The program will match the fields inside the remaining items automatically without changing the location of items themselves. It will also use the information about the location of field regions inside the first item.
If you still find the searching results unsatisfactory, proceed as follows:
- Modify the position of fields inside the first item where fields are located incorrectly
- Click
Reanalyze Line Items Below
The program will match the fields inside remaining items automatically without changing the location of items themselves. It will also use the information about the location of field regions inside the current item and items above.
Note: To run the Reanalyze Line Items Below command, the following criteria must be met:
- The country of a vendor or invoice recipient must be specified, meaning that relevant fields must be filled in on the data form
- The Has table layout option must be enabled in the Document Definition settings (for details, see General field properties).
Marking items manually
ABBYY FlexiCapture allows you to mark items manually. To do this:
- Draw a rectangle that encloses items on an image and select Line Items from the drop-down menu
- Hold the left mouse button or switch to the separator drawing mode and create horizontal separators of items
Note: To enable the separator drawing mode, click
on the top panel of the image editor.
- Some columns may be separated from other fields with vertical separators. To do this, create vertical separators that separate columns based on the "one field in one column" principle. You will see a plus sign when hovering over the enclosing rectangle. Click the sign and select the name for the column from the list. Relevant fields will be automatically created in the column.
Some columns (for example, Description and Article) may be located in one column on an image. In this case, you may mark fields by simply clicking on them or highlighting their regions with your mouse pointer.
- Create regions for fields of the first item inside the column. When creating field regions of the following items inside the column, the program will automatically suggest fields whose regions you are creating, considering information from the previous items.
Working with items on a data form
Line items are displayed as the Line Items table in the data form.
By default, the data form displays only columns whose fields has been found on an image or if an Administrator has enabled mandatory display of such columns in the Document Definition settings.
An Operator may configure how the columns are displayed. To do this, click in the left corner of the table in the data form and in the context menu mark the columns, which must be always displayed in the data form even if their fields are not found.
To add new or delete existing items in the data form, click the right mouse button on the line number of the table and select the relevant command in the context menu: Add Row Above, Add Row Below, Delete, Delete All Rows.
4/12/2024 6:16:03 PM