Configuring and Applying Templates

Configure a template to specify what data needs to be logged and how it has to be processed. To do this, open the Recording Service website and go to the Templates tab. Here you can see basic information on existing templates, review the Default one settings or add a custom template. A Default template is created during the Recording Service installation process, here you can add and customize new templates manually. For detailed information on the Default template and available settings, see below.

Before you begin

Role required: Recording Service user.
Note. If your account is not added to the Admin AD Security group specified during the Recording Service installation, you will not have access to the Recording Service website.

Basic steps

Open the Recording Service website and go to Templates. On the page that opens, you will see all created templates. The Default template is always there. It cannot be renamed or deleted. But you can change its settings and save the changes. To change the template settings, click on its name.

To create a new template, click Add template in the top right corner. The following settings are available in templates:

  1. Start recording when assigned to recorder
    If you need to start recording user actions after you assigned a template to a recorder, turn this toggle switch on.
    By default, the automatic start record is disabled.
  2. Record extended application info
    Enable this option if you plan to export processes from Timeline for further import and refinement in Blue Prism applications. This option allows you to log additional information required to generate a Blue Prism JSON file.
  3. Scheduled recording
    Toggle on this option and schedule recording sessions of user activity for the Recorder instance. For detailed instructions on using schedule see 'Schedule Usage'.
  4. Merge data from multiple hosts
    This option allows logging user activities in one log if users work on multiple computers. For example, a user works on their PC, and then switches to RDP and works there.
    Note. If different tags were added during the installation to each Recorder instance, all tags will be listed separated by commas for the resulting log. During the logging process, the list of tags may not appear immediately, but with some delay.
    Before using this option, make sure the following conditions are met:
    1. Recorder is installed on every computer a user works on and all Recorder instances display on the Recorders tab. In the Host column, you can see a computer name visible on the network within the Active Directory domain.
    2. Each of the Recorder instances must be set in the same template.
  5. Application list
    The use Included and Excluded lists can significantly reduce the amount of unwanted data in the project and make analyzing tasks and processes easier. This becomes very important when dealing with large datasets that include important events which can be made harder to understand and analyze when there are a lot of case and path variants and deviations which are further complicated by unnecessary data.
    The default template contains a predefined excluded list. It includes the most popular messengers. Correspondence in them may not be related to the tasks that a user performs. To disable logging in the desired messenger, turn the EXCLUDED LIST on and mark an item.

    For details on setting up Excluded and Included lists, see the 'Excluding and Including Applications' and 'Examples' sections.
  6. Transformations
    Transformations allow finding and replacing text in logs in order to redact sensitive information, such as email addresses or IDs. This option complements the Obfuscate user data feature. For example, transformations allow you to replace an URL or some text in logs that should remain confidential, while obfuscation allows you only to mask text data or blur information in pictures.
    By default, there are no transforms specified. To add transformations to the template, add them on the Transformations tab in advance. During adding a transformation, you must specify:
    1. Regular expression
      It will be used to search for the text in the recorded logs.
    2. Replacement
      A string to replace the found text.

      Important. Transformations can greatly affect the results of an automatic task definition in ABBYY Timeline. It is impossible to undo transformations.

      For detailed instructions on using transformation see 'Transformations'.
  7. Assign your template to Recorder instances.
    For detailed see 'How to Apply Templates and Start Recording'.

15.07.2024 8:46:08

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