Enabling and Disabling Recorder Instances

To log the actions of a particular user, a Recorder instance must be enabled on that user's computer. A user may disable event recording by clicking Disable in the Recorder menu in the system tray. This will stop recording and block recording control on this instance via the Recording Service UI. The Recorder will still appear in the list of Recorders on the Recording Service with a status shown as online but even if you click Start and Refresh list it will not be set to recording.

To start or resume recording using the Recording Service interface, the user must first enable recording by clicking the Enable button in the Recorder menu in the system tray.

If recording has to be controlled only by the administrator via the Recording Service website, all Recorder instances must be installed in silent mode using the parameter controlButtonVisible = false. For details, see Deployment Guide on Windows Systems > "Preventing End-Users from Controlling Recorder."

15.07.2024 8:46:08

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