

Agents are auxiliary components responsible for screenshot processing, such as obfuscation of sensitive information and marking the area related to a user action. These steps are performed after the actual screenshots are recorded and take supplementary time and system resources. The necessity of processing a large number of screenshots can cause bottlenecks when loading them into Recording Service. To avoid it, you can install separate agents on several machines to extend the resources of your main server, where Recording Service itself is hosted. The processing will be distributed between the main server and these additional agents.

Important. The auxiliary agents are set up through separate installers. However, one agent is always installed during the Recording Service setup process, since the screenshot processing functionality is fully transferred from Recording Service. Do not install a separate agent on the machine where Recording Service is hosted.
For details on installation of agents, see Deployment Guide on Windows Systems > Installing Recording Service Agent.

Agent details

On the Agents page, you can see the following information about the installed agents, that are linked to the current Recording Service instance:

  • Agent ID
    Shows the name of the computer, where the agent is installed. The agent set up during the Recording service installation is marked with the prefix [Embedded].
  • Version
    Shows the version of the agent.
  • Status
    Shows the current status of the agent.
    Possible statuses:
    • Online
      The agent is up and running.
    • Offline
      The agent is disabled (the machine hosting it is shut down).
    • Unhealthy
      The agent files are damaged, the agent needs to be reinstalled.
  • Compatible
    Shows if the agent is able to interact with the current version of Recording Service.

This page has informational purpose only, you cannot change anything related to agents here.

05.09.2024 16:23:54

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