Recorder Installation Modes

Recorder has 2 operation modes to select during installation.

Server managed

When this mode is on, the recording control (Start/Stop) can be performed only from Recording Service. User activity logs are automatically saved to the server.
Specify the URL on which Recording Service is installed and accessible over Network.


There is an option to test Timeline’s Task Mining features without installing the Recording Service. In this case, you need to install Recorder component in standalone mode. All recordings will be stored on a local user's computer and then must be uploaded to the Timeline project manually. Before uploading, you should use the Recorder Log Viewer utility to inspect locally saved logs. This gives the option to detect forms and see recorded data without having to install Recording Service and set up the Active Directory groups that it utilizes.

It is not recommended to use Standalone Recorder mode for production deployments and recommend it is limited to trial activities.

Limitation of Standalone Recorder mode:

  • Forms are not detected
    Recorded logs are stored on users' computers and are not sent to Recording Service for processing, so there are no forms in these logs. If you plan to upload logs to Timeline for trial purposes, first open your logs in the Recorder Log Viewer utility. As a result, the forms will be detected automatically and the Forms folder inside your logs will be created. Next, to upload the processed logs to Timeline, follow the instructions in the Timeline guide, see Projects, Tools, and Data Analysis > Task Mining > Data Upload > Logs upload without Recording Service.
    Note. Forms are supported in Recorder Log Viewer 6.0 and later. The utility is installed with ABBYY Recorder set to the Standalone mode.
  • Only passwords are encrypted in text logs, other text data are not encrypted, and data in screenshots aren't blurred.

When this mode is on:

  • Recording control (Start/Stop) remains on the local computer.
  • The logs with the recorded data are saved on the local computer.
  • Setup installs the Recorder Log Viewer utility. The utility allows opening the logs recorded by the Recorder installed in Standalone mode.
    For detailed information on usage of Recorder Log Viewer, see Recorder Log Viewer Guide.

15.07.2024 8:46:08

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