How to Change AD Security Groups of Recording Service

Active Directory security groups are configured when installing the Recording Service. You can change groups that have full control and/or write access to Recording Service later using the appsettings.Pro=duction.json configuration file.

To change the configuration of Active Directory security groups, perform the following actions:

  1. Select the computer where Recording Service is installed.
    Important. To perform any of the steps below, you must be a system administrator of the computer.
  2. Select the folder where Recording Service is installed and open appsettings.Production.json using any text editor.
    By default, the component is installed into C:\inetpub\ABBYY Recording Service.
  3. In the Appdata.production.json file, find the ADGroupAccess section and change the values for the UiAdmin, UiUser and Recorder parameters:
       "ADGroupAccess": {
       "UiAdmin": "MyDomain\\RS-admins",
       "UiUser": "MyDomain\\RS-users",
       "Recorder": "Everyone"
    Important. Backslashes used in values must be escaped with a backslash.
  4. Save the Appdata.production.json file.
  5. Restart the Recording Service website in the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

05.09.2024 16:23:54

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