Using HTTPS for Recording Service

You can use HTTPS to secure data transferred between the application components and the client’s browser.

To configure HTTPS, you need SSL certificates for Timeline and Recording Service. You can choose one of the following options:

  1. Use SSL certificate issued by the Certification Authority (CA).
    This is the recommended approach for the application installation that is intended for a production environment. The connection to the server will be secure and users will not get any warnings from the browser.
  2. Use a self-signed SSL certificate.
    If you do not have a signed certificate or if you only require a certificate for testing purposes, use a self-signed SSL certificate. However, in this case users will get warnings from the web browser about the use of a self-signed certificate as the server will not be considered secure.

If you install the program in a production environment, it is strongly recommended to use HTTPS with a CA certificate and a highly discouraged HTTP or self-signed SSL certificate.

How to set up HTTPS for Recording Service while installation

Below is a general sequence of steps necessary for setting up HTTPS for Recording Service during the installation process.

Important. Recording Service does not accept self-signed SSL certificates.

  1. Obtain an SSL certificate.
    The SSL certificate should be installed in Microsoft IIS on the server you plan to install Recording Service.
  2. Run the ABBYY.RecordingService.<version>.exe file and follow the on-screen instructions in the Installation Wizard. For more information see Installing Recording Service.
    During the Destination Folder step:
    1. Choose Use HTTPS.
    2. Select the SSL certificate from the list.
      You can find the thumbprint of your certificate in the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager:
      1. In Connections, select the server name (host).
      2. Open Server Certificates.
      3. Open your certificate details and find Thumbprint.
  3. Setup a network connection for Recording Service. For more information, see Network Connection Settings.
    1. In Windows Firewall, open the rules for inbound Recording Service connections.
    2. Add a TCP/IP port specified during the installation process to the exception list.
      For example, 443 port.
  4. Check whether HTTPS is functioning properly
    To make sure that HTTPS is functioning properly, open a browser on any computer and enter the following into the navigation bar:
    {url} is the name of the Recording Service website.
    {port} is the port assigned to the Recording Service website during the installation process. For example, 443.

How to switch from HTTP to HTTPS without reinstalling Recording Service

If you did not configure HTTPS when installing Recording Service, you can do it later using IIS Manager:

  1. Select RecordingService site in the Connections panel.
  2. Click Bindings… in the Action panel.
  3. In the Site Bindings windows click Add.
    The Add Site Binding windows will open.
  4. Select HTTPS type and provide an SSL certificate issued to the site URL.
  5. Restart the site.

05.09.2024 16:23:54

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