
Operating system

Microsoft® Windows 10 (x64), 11 (x64)

Microsoft® Windows Server® 2016, 2019, and 2022
Important. It is allowed to install Recorder on Microsoft Windows Server 2016, but correct log recording is not guaranteed.

CPU 2 cores or more
RAM 4 GB or more
Additional software
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2*
  • Microsoft .NET  6.0.22 and later*
(to record user activities)
  • Browser Google Chrome 118 or later
    Important. The following versions are not supported:
    • Google Chrome Portable
    • Google Chrome Standalone for one user
    • Google Chrome Standalone for multiple users
  • Microsoft Edge 118 or later
  • Mozilla Firefox 118 or later (Limited support. See Known Issues for details.
    Important. Mozilla Firefox ESR is not guaranteed to fully work.
Other requirements
  1. Recorder works with Recording Service that comes with Timeline 6.1.
  2. Windows authentication is used to authorize the connection between the Recording Service and the Recorder instances installed on users' workstations. Configure Active Directory Groups you plan to use to connect the Recording Service with Recorders in advance. Please refer to the Active Directory Groups section for guidelines.

* included with the Recorder installer.

15.07.2024 8:46:08

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