Installing Recording Service

Run the ABBYY.RecordingService.<version>.exe file, select the language to run the Installation Wizard and follow the on-screen instructions in the Installation Wizard:

  1. License Agreement
    Read and accept the license agreement.
  2. Destination Folder and Port Configuration
    Specify installation folder and TCP/IP port to be used the Recording Service website:
    1. Folder path
      Specify a folder where Recording Service should be installed. The default installation folder is:
      C:\inetpub\ABBYY Recording Service
    2. Web site port
      Specify TCP/IP port to be used by the Recording Service website or keep the default value.
      By default, the following TCP/IP ports are used:
        • 443 (if use HTTPS)
          For setting up HTTPS you will be asking to provide SSL certificate. For more information, see Using HTTPS for Recording Service.
        • 80 (if use HTTP)
          The Default Web Site is running on port 80. If you plan to use port 80 for the Recording Service website, you may need to modify this port from 80 to a different one in the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

          Make sure that specified port is not being used by any other application. In the event of port conflict, an alert will be displayed. Change the port number to continue. For more information, see the Check TCP/IP Port Availability section. You can also set a different port number for the Recording Service website later. To do this, change the port number in the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

          Note. If you install the program in a production environment, it is strongly recommended to use HTTPS and highly discouraged HTTP.
  1. Active Directory Security Groups
    Specify the names of the Active Directory Security groups you configured before installing Recording Service. By specifying the AD groups to which you add users, you determine the user's role and access rights in Recording Service. See the Configuring Active Directory Groups section for guidelines to learn more.
    Specify the names of the configured groups in the related setup fields. The name must be in the format: Domain\Group Name
    1. RS admin
      Enter here the name of the Recording Service admin group, for example, Domain\RS-admins
    2. RS user
      Enter here the name of the Recording Service user group, for example, Domain\RS-users
    3. Recorder user
      Enter here the name of the Recorder user group, for example, Domain\Recorder-users

      You can change AD Security Groups configuration later. Refer to the How to Change AD Security Groups of Recording Service section for guidelines.
  2. PostgreSQL Database Options
    Recording Service needs access to the PostgreSQL database. You can install PostgreSQL on a computer along with Recording Service or a separate computer.

    If you already installed PostgreSQL on another computer, select the Connect to remote / another preinstalled version of PostgreSQL database. Otherwise, select Install PostgreSQL on this machine.

    Note. If PostgreSQL 12 is already installed on the current computer, instead of the PostgreSQL Database Options step, the Database Connection step will open. In this step, you need to specify the settings for connecting to the database.
    1. Install PostgreSQL 13 on this machine
      Allows you to install PostgreSQL and database on the local machine.
      Go to the next step to specify PostgreSQL accounts and port to install PostgreSQL locally.
      1. Super user account
        1. Enter the PostgreSQL superuser credentials and the PostgreSQL port number.
          These credentials will be used by the installation program to create a database user for Recording Service.
          Important. The PostgreSQL superuser name may contain only English letters and digits from 0 to 9 and may not include any of the following characters: - \ /: *? "<> |
        2. Specify TCP/IP port for PostgreSQL. By default, TCP/IP port 5432 is used. Make sure that it is not being used by any other application. For more information, see the Check TCP/IP Port Availability section.
      2. Service account
        Specify the account used to start the PostgreSQL service. By default, the PostgreSQL service runs under the Network Service account. To change the default account, select Specify service account credentials and enter other existing credentials for running the PostgreSQL service. Please make sure that the correct values are entered. Incorrect user credentials (e.g. a typo in a username) will cause a service start error.
        Important. The account you specified must be granted the Log on as a service privilege.
      3. Go to the next step to specify PostgreSQL destination folders:
        1. Installation Directory
          PostgreSQL will be installed into the specified folder. The default installation folder is:
          C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13
          Important. The Installation directory must be empty.
        2. Data Directory
          Enter the path where the database needs to be installed.
          The default path is: C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13\data
        3. Go to the next step of the Installation Wizard to specify PostgreSQL database name and user that will work with Recording Service and database.
    1. Connect to remote / another preinstalled version of PostgreSQL database
      Allows you to specify connection settings to the existing database.
      Go to the next step to specify database connection configuration.
      Note. Installation does not influence the remote database. If you use the older version, the remote database will not be updated to PostgreSQL 13.

During the installation of Recording Service, a shortcut to the Recording Service website is added to the Start menu.

Important. If you are using a software or hardware firewall, make sure that the configured ports are open in your firewall. For default network connection settings see Network Connection Settings section.

Recording Service performance may vary depending on the hardware configuration. If you intend to use more than 20 Recorder instances, store PostgreSQL databases partially or fully on the SSD for better performance. For details see How to Move Database Table with Screenshots to New Hard Disk.

Performing health check

To perform a health check on Recording Service:

  1. Go to Start menu > ABBYY Recording Service
    Recording Service website will open in your browser.
  2. If Recording Service has been installed correctly, you will see the Recording Service site with the default template.

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