Differences between ABBYY FineReader Engine for Windows and Mac

Here you can find the list of differences between ABBYY FineReader Engine 12 for Windows and for Mac.


Unsupported functionality

The following functionality is not supported:

  • IEngine::ParentWindow, IEngine::ApplicationTitle
  • IEngineLoader, InprocLoader, OutprocLoader, IHostProcessControl
  • Parallel processing (IEngine::MultiProcessingParams, MultiProcessingParams, MultiProcessingModeEnum, IParallelProcessingCallback), FineReader Engine Processor module (FREngineModuleEnum::FREM_FREngineProcessor)
  • Batch Processor and related interfaces (BatchProcessor, IImageSource, IFileAdapter, IAsyncProcessingCallback)
  • WDP, WIC, DjVu input image formats (IFF_WdpBw, IFF_WdpGray, IFF_WdpColor, IFF_Wic, IFF_DjVuBw, IFF_DjVuGray, IFF_DjVuColor in the ImageFileFormatEnum enumeration)
  • Opening Office formats (OfficeConversionSettings, OfficeConverters, OfficeConvertersTypeEnum, IPrepareImageMode::OfficeConversionSettings, Opening Office Formats module)
  • Methods for saving into memory and loading from memory which use HGLOBAL in Windows version:
    • SaveToMemory, LoadFromMemory methods of so-called persistent objects
    • IImageDocument::SaveToMemory, IEngine::LoadImageDocFromMemory methods
    • IPDFAttachments::AddFromMemory, IPDFAttachment::SaveToMemory
  • Scanning:
    • IEngine::CreateScanManager, ScanManager
    • IScanCallback
    • ScanSources, ScanSource, ScanSourceSettings, ScanSourceCapabilities
    • ScanSourceApiTypeEnum, ScanRotationAngleEnum, ScanPaperSizeEnum, ScanColorModeEnum, ScanCompressionTypeEnum, ScanBrightnessControlEnum, ScanPaperFeedModeEnum, ScanPauseModeEnum, ScanSourceStatusEnum
    • Scanning license module
  • Network Licensing service:
    • ILicensingConnectionRecoveryCallback
    • IEngine::SetLicensingConnectionRecoveryCallback
    • IEngine::RestartLicensing
  • IDictionary::Edit
  • IPrepareImageMode::RasterizeFreeText
  • Pattern training GUI:
    • IEngine::EditUserPattern
    • IRecognizerParams::TrainUserPatterns
    • UserPatternsTraining license module
  • Visual Components and related FineReader Engine API:
    • autoanalysis blocks (IAutoAnalysisBlock, BlockTypeEnum::BT_AutoAnalysis)
    • ILayout::VisualBlocks
    • AvailableVisualComponentsFlags and ILicense::AvailableVisualComponents
  • Special predefined languages are not currently available

See also


What's New in ABBYY FineReader Engine 12

ABBYY FineReader Engine 12 and 11 compatibility

03.07.2024 8:50:10

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