Alphabetical List of the ABBYY FineReader Engine 12 Objects and Interfaces
The ABBYY FineReader Engine functionality is implemented in a number of objects that provide methods for working with images, page layout and blocks, languages and recognized text. The interfaces of the ABBYY FineReader Engine objects are derived from IDispatch, that is they support early and late binding.
Name | Description |
AltoExportParams | Provides functionality for tuning parameters of recognized text export in ALTO format. |
AuthorInfo | Represents an item of an authors list of a FB2 or EPUB file. |
AuthorsList | Represents a list of authors (AuthorInfo objects) of an FB2 or EPUB file. |
BarcodeBlock | Provides access to specific properties of the barcode block. |
BarcodeParams | Allows you to tune the parameters of barcode block recognition. |
BarcodeSymbol | Provides access to the properties of one character of a recognized barcode. |
BarcodeText | Represents a text of a recognized barcode as a collection of characters. |
BaseLanguage | Represents a base recognition language. |
BaseLanguages | This object is a collection of base languages (BaseLanguage objects). |
Block | This object represents a single block. |
BusinessCard | Provides access to the recognized data of a business card. |
BusinessCardField | Provides access to a single field of a business card. |
BusinessCardFieldComponent | Provides access to a component of a business card field. |
BusinessCardSynthesisParams | This object is used for setting up the parameters of the business card synthesis. |
BusinessCards | Represents a collection of BusinessCard objects. |
Categories | A collection of Category objects. |
Category | A set of classification objects belonging to the same category. |
Change | A single comparison result which contains the data about the detected change in the document or page. |
ChangeLocation | Provides information about the location of the change. |
ChangePosition | Represents the place in the document where a change begins or ends. |
Changes | A collection of Change objects. |
CharacterRecognitionVariant | This object represents a variant of a character's recognition. |
CharacterRecognitionVariants | This object represents a collection of variants of a character's recognition (CharacterRecognitionVariant objects). |
CharParams | Allows you to access different parameters of a single character in the recognized text. |
CheckmarkBlock | This object provides access to specific properties of a checkmark block. |
CheckmarkGroup | This object exposes methods and properties for working with a group of checkmarks. |
CheckmarkTrainingData | Contains information on checkmark training. |
ClassificationEngine | The main object which provides access to Classification API of ABBYY FineReader Engine. |
ClassificationObject | Contains classification-relevant data extracted from a document or a page. |
ClassificationObjects | A collection of ClassificationObject objects. |
ClassificationResult | A single classification result, consisting of the category name and the probability that the object which was classified belongs to this category. |
ClassificationResults | A collection of ClassificationResult objects. |
ColorObjectsProhibitingParams | Used for tuning parameters of filtering out the color objects on the image before starting processing. |
ConfusionMatrix | The confusion matrix for a classification model. |
Comparator | The main object which provides access to Document Comparison API of ABBYY FineReader Engine. |
ComparisonParams | This object provides access to the comparison parameters. |
ComparisonResult | Represents the result of comparison of the original document or page with its copy and exports it to an XML or DOCX file. |
CoordinatesConverter | Contains information about the pixel coordinates on the image at a definite modification stage. |
DetectedLanguage | Represents a single language from the collection of languages detected in the recognized document or on the recognized page. |
DetectedLanguages | This object is a collection of recognition languages detected in the recognized document or on the recognized page. (DetectedLanguage objects). |
Dictionary | This object is designed for working with user-defined dictionaries. |
DictionaryDescription | This object is a dictionary description which may be typecast to one of its child objects: StandardDictionaryDescription, UserDictionaryDescription or RegExpDictionaryDescription. |
DictionaryDescriptions | This object is a collection of dictionaries. |
DocumentContentInfo | This object contains information about author, keywords, subject, title of the document and stores document information dictionary. |
DocumentInformationDictionary | Represents a document information dictionary which contains metadata from the PDF file. |
DocumentInformationDictionaryItem | This object is an element of a document information dictionary. |
DocumentProcessingParams | Provides access to all parameters of document processing: all parameters of page processing and parameters of document synthesis. |
DocumentStructureDetectionParams | This object is used for setting up the parameters of the document structure detection during document synthesis. |
EBookExportParams | Provides access to the parameters of recognized text export in FB2 and EPUB formats. |
EmptyPageDetectionParams | Allows you to tune the parameters of empty page detection with the help of the FRPage::IsEmpty method. |
Engine | This is the main ABBYY FineReader Engine object. |
EnumDictionaryWords | Serves for iterating words included in a user-defined dictionary. |
ExportFileWriter | This is an interface for incremental export to PDF. |
ExternalDictionaryCallback | This is a callback interface which is used to deliver information about dictionary words to the recognizer. |
ExternalDictionaryDescription | Provides access to an external dictionary. |
FontFormattingDetectionParams | This object is used for setting up the parameters of font formatting detection. |
FontStyle | Exposes properties of a font style. |
FRDocument | Corresponds to a document which may contain several pages. |
FRPage | Corresponds to a page of document. |
FRPages | This object is a collection of document pages. |
FRRectangle | Represents a location and size of a rectangle. |
FuzzyString | Represents a fuzzy string. |
FuzzyStrings | Collection of the FuzzyString objects. |
Handle | Provides access to the handle of a resource in memory. |
HTMLExportParams | Provides functionality for tuning parameters of recognized text export in HTML format. |
Hyperlink | This object represents a hyperlink. |
IExternalDictionary | This is a user-implemented interface for external dictionary. |
IFileWriter | This is the interface for a file writing stream. |
IFRDocumentEvents | This is a callback interface that is used for reporting events from the FRDocument object to the listeners. |
IFRPageEvents | This is a callback interface that is used for reporting events from the FRPage object to the listeners. |
IFRPagesEvents | This is a callback interface that is used for reporting events from the FRPages object to the listeners. |
IImageDocumentEvents | This is a callback interface that is used for reporting events from the ImageDocument object to the listeners. |
IImagePasswordCallback | This is a callback interface that is used for processing password-protected image files. |
Image | This object represents a single "image plane" of an open image. |
ImageDocument | This object corresponds to an open image. |
ImageModification | This object is used to store parameters of image modification. |
ImageProcessingParams | Specifies how an image will be preprocessed before analysis and recognition. |
IntsCollection | Collection of int type variables. |
IProcessingEvents | This is a callback interface that is used by the InjectTextLayer method of the Engine object to report events during processing. |
IReadStream | This is the interface for a read stream. |
IWriteStream | This is the interface for a write stream. |
JpegExtendedParams | This object is used to store parameters for saving images in JPEG format. |
LanguageDatabase | Provides means for performing advanced operations with recognition languages. |
Layout | Exposes methods and properties for working with the image layout. |
LayoutBlocks | This object represents a collection of blocks (Block objects). |
License | Provides access to the current license parameters. |
Licenses | Provides access to a collection of available (activated) licenses. |
List | Represents one list template. It is a collection of list levels (ListLevel objects). |
ListLevel | Provides access to the parameters of one level of a list. |
ListParams | Provides access to the parameters of the list to which a paragraph belongs. |
Model | Represents a trained model which can be used for classifying documents. |
MrzData | Represents the data extracted from a machine-readable zone (MRZ) and exports it to an XML file or JSON file. |
MrzField | Contains the information about a field extracted from a machine-readable zone (MRZ). |
MrzJsonExportParams | Provides functionality for tuning parameters of the captured machine-readable zone (MRZ) export in JSON format. |
MrzLine | Contains the information about a line extracted from a machine-readable zone (MRZ). |
MrzProcessingParams | Provides access to parameters of the machine-readable zone (MRZ) extraction. |
MrzXmlExportParams | Provides functionality for tuning parameters of the captured machine-readable zone (MRZ) export in XML format. |
MultipageImageWriter | This object is used for saving several images into a single image file. |
ObjectsExtractionParams | Provides access to parameters used for objects extraction. |
OrientationDetectionParams | Provides access to the parameters used for tuning the page orientation detection. |
PageAnalysisParams | Provides access to parameters used for tuning the page layout analysis process. |
PageMargins | Provides functionality for tuning page margins of the output file. |
PagePreprocessingParams | This object is used for tuning different parameters of page preprocessing. |
PageProcessingParams | This object is used for tuning different parameters of layout analysis, recognition, and page synthesis. |
PageSplittingParams | This object is used for tuning parameters of page splitting. |
PaperSizeParams | Provides functionality for tuning paper height and width of the output file. |
Paragraph | Exposes methods and properties for working with a single paragraph of the recognized text. |
ParagraphLine | Represents a single line in the paragraph of a recognized text. |
ParagraphLines | Represents a collection of paragraph lines. |
ParagraphParams | This object exposes extended properties of a single paragraph. |
Paragraphs | This object represents collection of paragraphs of the recognized text. |
ParagraphStyle | Exposes properties of the paragraph style. |
PDFAttachment | This object represents a PDF attachment. |
PDFAttachments | This object represents a collection of PDF attachments of a document. |
PDFEncryptionInfo | This object provides access to encryption parameters of the PDF file during export. |
PDFExportFeatures | Provides functionality for tuning the additional parameters of export to PDF (PDF/A) format: encryption information, PDF version, etc. |
PDFExportParams | Provides functionality for tuning parameters of recognized text export in PDF (PDF/A) format. |
PDFMRCParams | Provides functionality for tuning Mixed Raster Content (MRC) parameters of the PDF (PDF/A) file during export. |
PDFPicture | This object represents a picture from a PDF document. |
PDFPictures | This object represents a collection of pictures added to a PDF document. |
PDFPictureCompressionParams | Provides functionality for tuning the parameters of writing images to PDF (PDF/A) files. |
PictureChange | Provides the changes that were made in the document pictures. |
PictureExportParams | Provides functionality for tuning the parameters of writing images to output files of various formats. |
PictureResolutionParams | Provides functionality for tuning the resolution of writing images to output files depending on the image format. |
PlainText | Represents recognized text without formatting. |
PngExtendedParams | This object is used to store parameters used when saving images in PNG format. |
Point | Describes the location of a point on an image. |
PPTExportParams | Provides functionality for tuning parameters of recognized text export in PPTX format. |
PredefinedLanguage | Represents a single predefined recognition language. |
PredefinedLanguages | Represents ABBYY FineReader Engine predefined languages collection. |
PrepareImageMode | Contains different attributes specifying how an image will be prepared during conversion to internal format. |
RasterPictureBlock | Provides access to specific properties of the raster picture block. |
RecognizerParams | Allows you to tune parameters of text recognition. |
RegExpDictionaryDescription | This object provides access to a regular-expression-based dictionary. |
Region | This supplementary object is designed to store the information on ABBYY FineReader Engine block’s region. |
RegionsCollection | Collection of regions (Region objects). |
RTFExportParams | Provides functionality for tuning parameters of recognized text export in RTF/DOCX/ODT format. |
SeparatorBlock | Provides access to specific properties of a separator block. |
SeparatorGroup | Represents a group of separator blocks (SeparatorBlock objects). |
SortingBlocksParams | This object is used for setting up the parameters of combining the blocks of data into groups. |
SplitRegion | Provides access to the properties of one of the regions, into which a page has been split. |
SplitRegions | Represents a collection of regions, into which a page has been split (SplitRegion objects). |
StandardDictionaryDescription | Provides access to a standard dictionary. |
StringsCollection | Collection of strings. |
SynthesisParamsForDocument | This object is used for setting up the parameters of the document synthesis. |
SynthesisParamsForPage | This object is used for setting up the parameters of the page synthesis. |
TableAnalysisParams | Provides access to parameters affecting table block analysis process. |
TableBlock | Provides access to specific properties of a table block. |
TableCell | Represents a single table cell in a table block. |
TableCells | Represents collection of table cells of a table block. |
TableSeparator | Represents a single table separator in a table block. |
TableSeparators | This object is a collection of table block separators. |
TabPosition | Provides access to a single tab stop: the tab symbol, its alignment, and position in the paragraph. |
TabPositions | Provides access to all the tab stops in a single paragraph. |
Text | This object represents recognized text. |
TextBlock | Provides access to specific properties of the text block. |
TextBlockAnalysisParams | Specifies how a text block should be analyzed. |
TextChange | Provides the changes that were made in the document text. |
TextExportParams | Provides functionality for tuning parameters of recognized text export in TXT and CSV formats. |
TextLanguage | Represents the language of recognition for a text. |
TextLayerInjectionParams | This object allows you to tune the parameters of processing the input documents and creation of a searchable PDF file. |
TextOrientation | Represents a text orientation. |
TiffExtendedParams | This object is used to store parameters for saving images in TIFF format. |
Trainer | The object which is used for training the classifier on the basis of a categorized data set. |
TrainingData | A categorized set of data which can be used to train the classifier. |
TrainingImage | Represents a single training image. |
TrainingImagesCollection | Collection of TrainingImage objects. |
TrainingParams | The parameters used when training a classification model. |
TrainingResult | The result of training the classifier on the set of training data. |
TrainingResults | A collection of TrainingResult objects. |
UserDictionaryDescription | This object provides access to a user dictionary. |
ValidationParams | The parameters used when validating a classification model. |
ValidationResult | The result of checking the model's performance, including the various scores which help to estimate the model's usefulness. |
VectorPictureBlock | Provides access to specific properties of a vector picture block. |
Word | This object represents a word. |
WordRecognitionVariant | This object represents a variant of a word's recognition. |
WordRecognitionVariants | This object represents a collection of variants of a word's recognition (WordRecognitionVariant objects). |
Words | This object represents a collection of words (Word objects). |
XLExportParams | Provides functionality for tuning parameters of recognized text export in XLS/XLSX format. |
XMLExportParams | Provides functionality for tuning parameters of recognized text export in XML format. |
XPSExportParams | Provides functionality for tuning parameters of recognized text export in XPS format. |
See also
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