GetWordRecognitionVariants Method of the Paragraph Object

This method returns a collection of variants of a word's recognition in the current position inside the text of a paragraph.

The method returns zero for non-printable characters (spaces, carriage returns, etc.) and characters that were not recognized but added to the text during explicit editing. Zero is also returned if the text was recognized by one of the previous ABBYY FineReader Engine versions. If the IRecognizerParams::SaveWordRecognitionVariants property is set to FALSE the return collection contains one element; otherwise, the collection contains no less than one element and the variants are ordered from the best to the worst, determined by the internal estimation mechanism.


HRESULT GetWordRecognitionVariants(
  int                        Position,
  IWordRecognitionVariants** Result


[in] This variable contains the index of the character inside the paragraph. This index must be in the range from zero to the length of the paragraph (the IParagraph::Length property). When the length of the paragraph is passed into this method, this property refers to the parameters that would have received the character if it were inserted at the end of the paragraph.
[out, retval] A pointer to IWordRecognitionVariants* pointer variable that receives the interface pointer to the WordRecognitionVariants output object.

Return values

This function has no specific return values. It returns the standard return values of ABBYY FineReader Engine functions.

See also



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