BarcodeTypeEnum enumeration constants are used to denote the types of barcodes that can be recognized by ABBYY FineReader Engine. These constants can be used during recognition to specify the types of barcodes to be recognized, or after recognition to define the types of recognized barcodes.
typedef enum {
BT_Unknown = 0x00000000,
BT_Code39 = 0x00000001,
BT_Interleaved25 = 0x00000002,
BT_EAN13 = 0x00000004,
BT_Code128 = 0x00000008,
BT_EAN8 = 0x00000010,
BT_PDF417 = 0x00000020,
BT_Codabar = 0x00000040,
BT_UPCE = 0x00000080,
BT_Industrial25 = 0x00000100,
BT_IATA25 = 0x00000200,
BT_Matrix25 = 0x00000400,
BT_Code93 = 0x00000800,
BT_PostNet = 0x00001000,
BT_UCC128 = 0x00002000,
BT_Patch = 0x00004000,
BT_Aztec = 0x00008000,
BT_DataMatrix = 0x00010000,
BT_QRCode = 0x00020000,
BT_UPCA = 0x00040000,
BT_MaxiCode = 0x00080000,
BT_Code32 = 0x00100000,
BT_FullAscii = 0x00200000,
BT_IntelligentMail = 0x00400000,
BT_RoyalMail4State = 0x00800000,
BT_KIX = 0x01000000,
BT_Australia4State = 0x02000000,
BT_JapanPost = 0x04000000,
BT_Autodetect = BT_Code39 | BT_Interleaved25 | BT_EAN13 | BT_Code128 | BT_EAN8
| BT_PDF417 | BT_Codabar | BT_UPCE | BT_Industrial25 | BT_IATA25 | BT_Matrix25
| BT_Code93 | BT_PostNet | BT_UCC128 | BT_Patch | BT_Aztec | BT_DataMatrix
| BT_QRCode | BT_UPCA | BT_MaxiCode | BT_Code32 | BT_FullAscii | BT_IntelligentMail
| BT_RoyalMail4State | BT_KIX | BT_Australia4State| BT_JapanPost,
BT_AutodetectWithoutPostal = BT_Code39 | BT_Interleaved25 | BT_EAN13 | BT_Code128 | BT_EAN8
| BT_PDF417 | BT_Codabar | BT_UPCE | BT_Industrial25 | BT_IATA25 | BT_Matrix25
| BT_Code93 | BT_UCC128 | BT_Patch | BT_Aztec | BT_DataMatrix
| BT_QRCode | BT_UPCA | BT_MaxiCode | BT_Code32 | BT_FullAscii
} BarcodeTypeEnum;
Name | Description |
BT_Autodetect | Forces ABBYY FineReader Engine to automatically detect the barcode type during recognition. |
BT_AutodetectWithoutPostal | Forces ABBYY FineReader Engine to automatically detect the barcode type, excluding postal types, during recognition. |
BT_Australia4State | Barcode in Australia 4-State standard. |
BT_Aztec | Barcode in Aztec standard. |
BT_Codabar | Barcode in Codabar standard. |
BT_Code128 | Barcode in Code 128 standard. |
BT_Code32 | Barcode in Code 32 standard. |
BT_Code39 | Barcode in Code 39 standard. |
BT_Code93 | Barcode in Code 93 standard. |
BT_DataMatrix | Barcode in Data Matrix standard. |
BT_EAN13 | Barcode in EAN 13 standard. |
BT_EAN8 | Barcode in EAN 8 standard. |
BT_FullAscii | Barcode in Full ASCII Code 39 standard. |
Barcode in IATA 2 of 5 standard.
BT_Industrial25 | Barcode in Industrial 2 of 5 standard. |
BT_IntelligentMail | Barcode in Intelligent Mail standard. |
BT_Interleaved25 |
Barcode in Interleaved 2 of 5 standard.
BT_JapanPost | Barcode in Japan Post standard. |
BT_KIX | Barcode in KIX standard. |
BT_Matrix25 |
Barcode in Matrix 2 of 5 standard.
BT_MaxiCode | Barcode in MaxiCode standard. |
BT_Patch | Barcode in Patch standard. |
BT_PDF417 | Barcode in PDF417 standard. |
BT_PostNet | Barcode in PostNet standard. |
BT_QRCode | Barcode in QR Code standard. |
BT_RoyalMail4State | Barcode in Royal Mail 4-State standard. |
BT_UCC128 | Barcode in GS1-128 standard. Formerly called UCC-128. |
BT_Unknown | Denotes unknown type of barcode. It may be used as the return value if ABBYY FineReader Engine has failed to detect the type of barcode. |
BT_UPCA | Barcode in UPC-A standard. |
BT_UPCE | Barcode in UPC-E standard. |
Used in
See also
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