ConvertLCIDToLanguageId Method of the Engine Object

This method converts the Win32 standard LCID into the Win32 standard LANGID, represented by LanguageIdEnum.


HRESULT ConvertLCIDToLanguageId(
  int             Win32Locale,
  LanguageIdEnum* Result


[in] This variable contains a Win32 standard LCID cast to the int type.
[out, retval] A pointer to LanguageIdEnum variable that receives the return value of this method. Must not be NULL.

Return values

This method has no specific return values. It returns the standard return values of ABBYY FineReader Engine functions.


This method may return LI_Null if the passed Win32 LCID is not supported by ABBYY FineReader Engine.

See also



7/3/2024 8:50:10 AM

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