FontStyle Object (IFontStyle Interface)
This object exposes properties of a font style.
Name | Type | Description |
Application | Engine, read-only | Returns the Engine object. |
Text decoration | ||
Color | int |
Sets the RGB value of the color for the font. The value of this property can be -1, which means that the color is transparent.
Note: The int value is calculated from the RGB triplet using the formula: (red value) + (256 x green value) + (65536 x blue value), where red value is the first triplet component, green value is the second triplet component, blue value is the third triplet component. For example, the int value of the color white equals 16777215. By default, the font color is black, and the property returns 0. |
IsBold | VARIANT_BOOL | Specifies whether the font is bold. |
IsItalic | VARIANT_BOOL | Specifies whether the font is italic. |
IsUnderlined | VARIANT_BOOL | Specifies whether the font is underlined. |
IsStrikeout | VARIANT_BOOL | Specifies whether the font is strikeout. |
IsSmallCaps | VARIANT_BOOL | Specifies whether the font has "small caps" style. This means that the small characters are displayed as small capitals. |
Font attributes | ||
FontName | BSTR, read-only |
Stores the name of the font. This property cannot be changed directly but via the SetFont method. By default, this value is "Times New Roman". |
FontSize | int |
Specifies the height of the font in twips. Twip is 1/20 of point, and point is 1/72". Default value of this property corresponds to 10 points or 200 twips. |
FontType | FontTypeEnum, read-only |
Stores the type of the font. This property cannot be changed directly but via the SetFont method. By default, this value is FT_Unknown. |
Base line, scaling and spacing | ||
BaseLine | int | Sets the shift of a character from the base line of the string in pixels. The base line of the string is defined by the IParagraphLine::BaseLine property. This property is mainly used for the pictures embedded in text. |
HorizontalScale | int |
Stores horizontal scaling the font style in 1/1000. Default for this property is 1000, which corresponds to no scaling. |
Spacing | int |
Specifies additional spacing between characters in twips. Twip is 1/20 of point, and point is 1/72". Default value of this property is 0. |
Style attributes | ||
IsBaseFont | VARIANT_BOOL, read-only | Specifies whether this font style is the base font style of the paragraph style. |
OverriddenStyleParams | int, read-only | Describes the set of the style parameters overridden in this style against the base font style of the paragraph. The property is an OR superposition of the StyleParamsEnum constants. |
Name | Description |
SetFont | Sets the new font name and font type. |
Related objects
See also
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