CharacterRecognitionVariant Object (ICharacterRecognitionVariant Interface)

This object represents the variant of a character recognition. The object provides access to the variant itself and its confidence, probability that a character is written with a Serif font, and the information whether the character is superscript or subscript. It is an element of the CharacterRecognitionVariants collection. You can select the best recognition variant for a character by voting between the variants. See Using Voting API for details.

Important! The Voting API is not available for handprinted texts recognition.


Name Type Description
Application Engine, read-only Returns the Engine object.
Character BSTR, read-only Returns the variant of a character recognition.
CharConfidence int, read-only

Stores the value of recognition confidence for this variant of character recognition.

Confidence estimates the probability that a recognition variant is correct. It should not be understood as a general recognition quality measure: the only safe use of confidence is for comparing recognition variants of the same character. The characters extracted from the source PDF file without recognition have confidence set to 100. See also What is the difference between the CharConfidence and the IsSuspicious properties?

To calculate character confidence more accurately, set the IRecognizerParams::ExactConfidenceCalculation property to TRUE.

IsSubscript VARIANT_BOOL, read-only Specifies whether the character is subscript.
IsSuperscript VARIANT_BOOL, read-only Specifies whether the character is superscript.
SerifProbability int, read-only The value of this property specifies probability that a character is written in a Serif font. It is in the range from 0 to 100, and 255 corresponds to the fact that the probability is undefined.

Related objects

Object Diagram

Output parameter

This object is the output parameter of the Item method of the CharacterRecognitionVariants object.

See also



Using Voting API

Working with Properties

7/3/2024 8:50:10 AM

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