Element Property of the ConfusionMatrix Object

Returns the element in the selected cell of the confusion matrix. The value of the element located in the column A, row B, tells you how many documents were classified as belonging to the category A while actually being in the category B. When A and B are the same, you get the number of correctly assigned results for that category.


HRESULT get_Element(
  int  RowNumber,
  int  ColNumber,
  int* Result


[in] The index of the row of the confusion matrix where the element is located. It must be in the range from 0 to Size - 1.
[in] The index of the column of the confusion matrix where the element is located. It must be in the range from 0 to Size - 1.
[out, retval] An integer variable that receives the value of the element.

See also


7/3/2024 8:50:10 AM

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