If you have any questions regarding the use of ABBYY FineReader, please consult all the documentation you have (the User's Guide and Help) before contacting our technical support service. You may also wish to browse the technical support section on the ABBYY website at www.abbyy.com/support — you may find the answer to your question there.

Our technical support service staff will need the following information to answer your question competently:

  • Your first and last name
  • The name of your company or organization
  • Your telephone number (or fax or e-mail)
  • The support ID of your copy of ABBYY FineReader Sprint. The support ID is a unique identifier of the serial number, which contains information about your license and computer. To view your support ID, click Help > About ABBYY FineReader Sprint > License Info.
  • Build number (click Help > About ABBYY FineReader Sprint and look up the Build field)
  • A general description of your problem and the full text of the error message (if there was one)
  • The type of your computer and processor
  • The version of your Windows operating system
  • Any other information you consider important

You can gather some of the above information automatically:

  1. Click About ABBYY FineReader Sprint on the Help menu to open the About ABBYY FineReader 12 Sprint dialog box.
  2. Click the System Info… button.

    A window will open displaying some of the above information.

Important! Free technical support is provided only to registered users. You can register by clicking Register FineReader Sprint… on the Help menu or on the ABBYY website.

11/2/2018 5:37:16 PM

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