ABBYY FineReader 12 Sprint lets you correct perspective distortions on photographs of documents.

  1. Select the image that you want to correct.
  2. Open the EDIT IMAGE and click CORRECT PERSPECTIVE. A grid with sizing handles appears.
  3. Drag each of the sizing handles to its corresponding corner of the page, making sure that the horizontal lines in the grid run parallel to the text lines. 
  4. Click the Correct button.
  5. To quit the image editing mode, click Close Image Tools.

Tip: If there are lots of images with distorted perspective in your document, you may wish to correct them automatically. Click the Correct All Pages button to make ABBYY FineReader 12 Sprint detect distorted images and correct them.

Important! If you have already saved the document before correcting distortions, you will need to save the document again to apply the changes you made with the Crop tool. To save the document, close the image tools and click one of the buttons on the EXPORT SETTINGS pane.

11/2/2018 5:37:16 PM

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