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JSON File for MRZ

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is an open-standard, language-independent file format to transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs and array data types.
Only results of machine-readable zone (MRZ) capture may be exported to a JSON file. The resulting file format is described in the table below.

Description of JSON format

Name Type Nested keys Description
Fields Object

BirthDate — Document holder's date of birth.

DocumentNumber — The document number.

ExpiryDate — The document's expiry date.

PersonalNumber — Document holder's personal number.

Type: object. Nested keys:

Contains the fields extracted from MRZ.

DocumentType The document type.

DocumentSubtype — The document subtype.

GivenName One or several given names of the document holder.

IssuingCountry — Code of issuing state.

LastName — Document holder's surname.

Nationality — Document holder's nationality.

Sex — Document holder's sex.

Type: object. Nested keys:

Lines Object

Line1 — The first line of MRZ.

Line2 — The second line of MRZ.

Line3 — The third line of MRZ.

Type: object. Nested keys:

Contains 2 or 3 lines extracted from MRZ.
Chars Array

Several objects, each corresponding to a character in the recognized text. Nested keys for each object:

  • Rect
  • Suspicious — optional key, present only when the character was recognized uncertainly, when its value is true. Type: boolean.
  • Value
Contains the characters of the text in the reading order.
Checksum Object

IsVerified — is true if the recognized checksum digit matches the value of the checksum calculated over the recognized field string, false otherwise. Type: boolean.

Value — the recognized value of the checksum. Type: string.

The check digit over the whole MRZ or one of its fields.
Region Array Several Rect keys in top-to-bottom order. A region containing the line or the field. It consists of several non-overlapping rectangles.
Rect Array Four integer values, containing the coordinates of the rectangle in the following order: left, top, right, bottom. A rectangle.
Value String No nested keys. A string value of a field, character, line, etc.

See also



7/3/2024 8:50:10 AM

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