Chinese Simplified (简体中文)


RTFPageSynthesisModeEnum enumeration constants are used to denote modes of RTF file synthesis from the recognized text when exporting in RTF format.

typedef enum {
} RTFPageSynthesisModeEnum;


Name Description

Produces a document that preserves the original format and text flow but allows easy editing.

Important! The page breaks are not guaranteed to be preserved in this mode. If that is important to you, use the PSM_RTFExactCopy option.

PSM_RTFExactCopy Produces a document that maintains the formatting of the original. This option is recommended for documents with complex layouts, such as promotion booklets. Note, however, that this option limits the ability to change the text and formatting of the output document.
PSM_RTFFormatParagraphs Paragraphs and fonts types and sizes are retained. The text formatting inside paragraphs is not retained. The order of the output text is defined by the IRTFExportParams::UseDocumentStructure property.
PSM_RTFPlainText The text in output file is formatted in a single column. Frames are not used. Paragraphs are retained, while types and sizes of fonts are not retained. The order of the output text is defined by the IRTFExportParams::UseDocumentStructure property.

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7/3/2024 8:50:10 AM

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