Chinese Simplified (简体中文)


GrayPictureFormatsEnum enumeration constants define the image formats or compression algorithms to be used when saving gray images.

typedef enum {
 GPF_Jpeg = 0x00000001,
 GPF_Zip  = 0x00000002,
 GPF_LZW  = 0x00000004,
 GPF_J2K  = 0x00000008,
 GPF_Png  = 0x00000010,
 GPF_Auto = 0x00000020
} GrayPictureFormatsEnum;


Name Description
GPF_Auto The format is determined automatically depending on the output file format and settings.

Gray JPEG 2000 format.

Note: The value is not available for PDF/A-1, RTF, DOCX, ODT, HTML, PPTX, FB2 and EPUB formats.

GPF_Jpeg Gray JPEG format.

LZW compression algorithm for gray images.

Note: The value is not available for PDF/A, RTF, DOCX, ODT, HTML, PPTX, FB2 and EPUB formats.


Gray PNG format.

Note: The value is not available for PDF, PDF/A formats.


ZIP compression algorithm for gray images.

Note: The value is not available for RTF, DOCX, ODT, HTML, PPTX, FB2 and EPUB formats.

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7/3/2024 8:50:10 AM

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