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PictureExportParams Object (IPictureExportParams Interface)

This object provides functionality for tuning the parameters of writing images to output files of various formats. The object allows you to select an image format for color and gray images. Black-and-white images are always saved in PNG format.


Name Type Description
Application Engine, read-only Returns the Engine object.
Colority PictureColorityModeEnum

Allows you to keep color of the pictures embedded into the file or save it in gray or black-and-white. It may be useful to set this property to PCM_ForceToGray for color pictures, if you do not need to save their colors and want to reduce the size of output files.

Note: If the CorrectColorDepth property is set to TRUE, ABBYY FineReader Engine can additionally correct color depth of embedded pictures. For example, if you set Colority to PCM_ForceToGray and CorrectColorDepth is TRUE, FineReader Engine will change the color images to gray, then will detect color depth of gray images and, if necessary, will change some images to black-and-white.

The default value for this property is PCM_KeepColority.

ColorPictureFormats int

Specifies the image format to be used when saving a file with embedded color pictures. The value of this property is an OR superposition of the ColorPictureFormatsEnum enumeration constants.

The property can be set to CPF_Jpeg, CPF_Png, or CPF_Auto.

The default value for this property is CPF_Auto.

CorrectColorDepth VARIANT_BOOL

This property set to TRUE enables ABBYY FineReader Engine to correct color depth of embedded pictures. If you set this property to FALSE, ABBYY FineReader Engine will save colors of the pictures as defined in the Colority property.

By default, the value of this property is TRUE.

GrayPictureFormats int

Specifies the image format to be used when saving a file with embedded gray pictures. The value of this property is an OR superposition of the GrayPictureFormatsEnum enumeration constants.

The property can be set to GPF_Jpeg, GPF_Png, or GPF_Auto.

The default value for this property is GPF_Auto.

JpegQuality int

Stores the value of the JPEG quality for pictures embedded in a file in percent. This value is used with color and gray JPEG image formats.

The default value of this property is 50%.

Resolution int

Stores the value of picture resolution in dpi. This property may be set to -1, which means that the original resolution must be preserved.

The default value of this property depends on the export format:

  • for RTF, XLSX and PPTX it is 150 dpi;
  • for HTML, FB2 and EPUB it is 72 dpi;
  • for XPS it is 300 dpi.

Related objects

Object Diagram

See also

Tuning Export Parameters

Working with Profiles

Working with Properties

7/3/2024 8:50:10 AM

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