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Language-Related Objects Compatibility with Version 10

This section describes all changes to language-related objects which may require changes in the source code of your applications.

  • The format of user dictionaries has been changed. The dictionaries created in the older versions of ABBYY FineReader Engine or ABBYY FineReader are converted to a dictionary in the new format during opening using the ILanguageDatabase::OpenExistingDictionary method.
  • User dictionaries can be created for all languages, including Chinese, Japanese and Korean.
Object/Enumeration Property/Method/Constant What has happened? Comment
LanguageDatabase CreateTextLanguage Removed Use the CreateCompoundTextLanguage method instead. Note that the LanguageDatabase object provides a CreateTextLanguage method, but this method has different semantics as compared to the removed method.
CreateCompoundTextLanguage Input parameters type changed The method takes as the input parameter the string which contains the comma-separated list of languages to create new language from. This method provides all the functionality previously offered by CreateTextLanguage method.
BaseLanguages Add Removed Use the AddNew method instead. This method creates a new BaseLanguage object and adds it into the collection.



Renamed The new names of the methods are DeleteAt, DeleteAll. Methods of all collections have been renamed to be uniform.
PredefinedLanguages FindLanguage Renamed The new name of the method is Find. The word Language is superfluous. The method returns null, if there is no predefined language with the specified name.
LanguageIdEnum Constants values changed

The values of the following constants have been changed: LI_Irish, LI_Hawaiian, LI_Latin, LI_Welsh, LI_Frisian, LI_Galician, LI_Guarani, LI_Papiamento, LI_Quechua, LI_Somali, LI_Tajik, LI_Turkmen, LI_Wolof, LI_Yakut, LI_Hausa.

The constants are to conform with Win32 standard language identifier (data type LANGID). When the previous version of FineReader Engine was released, the standard identifiers for these languages did not exist. When they were defined by Microsoft, they naturally differed from ABBYY-defined constants, so now the change was necessary.

DictionaryDescriptions Add Removed Use the AddNew method instead. This method creates a new DictionaryDescription object and adds it into the collection.



Renamed The new names of the methods are DeleteAt, DeleteAll. Methods of all collections have been renamed to be uniform.
FuzzyStringsCollection Renamed

The new name of the object is FuzzyStrings. New naming convention is that the temporary collections have Collection postfix in their name, while this is a read-only collection.

The CopyFrom, Insert, Remove, RemoveAll methods of the object are no longer supported. The collection is read-only, these methods have no sense in this collection.

EnumDictionaryWords Dictionary Removed The property is no longer supported. The reference to the parent Dictionary object cannot be obtained.

7/3/2024 8:50:10 AM

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