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UserProperty Property

This property allows you to associate any user-defined information with an object. This information is passed as VARIANT which may contain only simple types (String, integer types), but no SAFEARRAY or VARIANT types may be contained inside this VARIANT. More precisely, only the following variant types are allowed: VT_EMPTY, VT_UI1, VT_I2, VT_I4, VT_R4, VT_R8, VT_CY, VT_BSTR, VT_NULL, VT_ERROR, VT_BOOL, VT_DATE.


HRESULT get_UserProperty(
   BSTR     name,
   VARIANT* result
HRESULT put_UserProperty(
   BSTR    name,
   VARIANT value


[in] This variable contains any string value you want to identify the property among others, for example, "MyProperty".
[out, retval] A pointer to VARIANT variable that receives the value of the user-defined property.
[in] A VARIANT variable that contains the new value for the property.

Return values

This property has no specific return values. It returns the standard return values of ABBYY FineReader Engine functions.


Properties are identified by their names. Thus only one property with the given name is allowed for a given object. If an object does not have a user property with the given name, it is created when a value for this property is first assigned. When trying to get a value of the property that does not exist in an object, an empty VARIANT is returned. When copying an object via the CopyFrom method, user-defined properties are also copied. If an object may persist, user-defined properties are also persistent.

The following objects provide this property:

See also

Working with Properties

7/3/2024 8:50:10 AM

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