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IsPdfPortfolio Method of the Engine Object

This method finds out if an input PDF file is a PDF Portfolio. Each PDF Portfolio file may contain several files of various types (textual documents, presentations, drawings, etc.).


HRESULT IsPdfPortfolio(
  BSTR                    FileName,
  IImagePasswordCallback* Callback,
  VARIANT_BOOL*           Result


[in] This variable contains the full path to the PDF file, for which you need to find out if it is a PDF Portfolio.
[in] This variable refers to the interface of the user-implemented object of the type ImagePasswordCallback which is used to handle possible password requests for accessing PDF files. This parameter is optional and may be 0 in which case password-protected files cannot be checked.
[out, retval] This parameter returns TRUE if a PDF file is a PDF Portfolio and FALSE if it is not.

Return values

This method has no specific return values. It returns the standard return values of ABBYY FineReader Engine functions.

See also



7/3/2024 8:50:10 AM

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