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IFRDocumentEvents Interface

This is a callback interface that is used for reporting events from the FRDocument object to the listeners. This interface is implemented on the client-side. See the detailed implementation advice for your development tool in Working with Connectable Objects. Below you can find a short summary.

You need to implement the IFRDocumentEvents interface and "advise" object implementing the interface to the FRDocument object. As the interface is derived from the IUnknown interface, the client object should also implement the IUnknown methods.

An object receiving notifications through this interface's methods may do the following inside the methods' implementation:

  • Report percentage of image loading, document analysis, recognition, synthesis, and export performed.
  • Report information about document analysis, recognition, synthesis, and export completed.


Name Description
OnPageProcessed Delivers to the client information about page processing completed.
OnProgress Delivers to the client information about approximate percentage of the current operation (image loading, analysis, recognition, etc.).
OnWarning Delivers to the client tips and warnings which occurred during processing.


See also


Working with Connectable Objects

7/3/2024 8:50:10 AM

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