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CheckmarkBlock Object (ICheckmarkBlock Interface)

This object provides access to specific properties of a checkmark block. The ICheckmarkBlock interface is derived from the IBlock interface and inherits all its properties. This object may be an element of the CheckmarkGroup collection.

The properties of this object can be divided into two groups:

  • the properties which affect the process of checkmark recognition in the block. These are ImageProcessingParams, CheckmarkType, IsCorrectionEnabled, BlackThreshold, SuspiciousDistance, TrainingData. It is via these properties that you can set special parameters of checkmark processing for a single block.
  • all other properties, which represent the results of recognition.


Name Type Description
Processing settings
ImageProcessingParams ImageProcessingParams Provides access to the set of properties affecting image preprocessing inside the checkmark block.
CheckmarkType CheckmarkTypeEnum

Specifies the checkmark type used for recognition.


  • This property must be identical for all checkmarks belonging to a single group.
  • If the type of checkmark is CMT_Custom, recognized checkmark can be either checked or unchecked (see the description of the CheckmarkState property).

The default value is CMT_Empty.

IsCorrectionEnabled VARIANT_BOOL

This property set to TRUE means that checkmark block can be selected and then corrected.


  • This property must be identical for all checkmarks belonging to a single group.
  • If the CheckmarkType property is CMT_Custom, the value of this property is ignored: recognized checkmark of this type can be either checked or unchecked (see the description of the CheckmarkState property).

The default value is FALSE.

BlackThreshold int

Specifies the percentage of black color which is necessary to consider the checkmark checked. This property can be used only for checkmarks of the type CMT_Custom.

By default, it is -1.

After checkmark training or when you load the TrainingData for this checkmark this value is changed. See details in Recognizing Checkmarks.

SuspiciousDistance int

Specifies the distance from black threshold which makes the checkmark uncertainly recognized. If the absolute value of the difference between AmountOfBlack and BlackThreshold is less than or equal to the value of this property, the IsSuspicious property will be set to TRUE.

This property can be used only for checkmarks of the type CMT_Custom.

The default value is -1.

After checkmark training or when you load the TrainingData for this checkmark this value is changed. See details in Recognizing Checkmarks.

TrainingData CheckmarkTrainingData

Specifies the checkmark training data. This property makes sense only for checkmarks of the type CMT_Custom.

Checkmark training data is created for each checkmark block of the type CMT_Custom during checkmark training using the IFRPage::LearnCheckmarks method.

If you want to use training data for a checkmark of the type CMT_Custom, you should initialize the value of this property of corresponding checkmark block with the suitable CheckmarkTrainingData object obtained during training. See details in Recognizing Checkmarks.

This property correlates with the values of BlackThreshold and SuspiciousDistance properties: when a new CheckmarkTrainingData object is assigned to this property, BlackThreshold and SuspiciousDistance are set to the values with which that object was saved. Conversely, when you change BlackThreshold and SuspiciousDistance and save the value of this property, you receive a new CheckmarkTrainingData object which retains the information about the values of those two properties.

Results of recognition
CheckmarkState CheckmarkCheckStateEnum

Returns the state of the checkmark block: checked, unchecked, corrected.

Note: If the CheckmarkType property is CMT_Custom, recognized checkmark can be either checked or unchecked, it cannot be in the corrected state.

IsSuspicious VARIANT_BOOL This property set to TRUE means that the checkmark was recognized uncertainly.
AmountOfBlack int, read-only Returns the percentage of black color on the image of the checkmark.


Name Description
CopyFrom Initializes the properties of the current object with the values of similar properties of another object.

Related objects

Object Diagram

Output parameter

This object is the output parameter of the following methods and properties:

See also



Working with Layout and Blocks

Recognizing Checkmarks

Working with Properties

7/3/2024 8:50:10 AM

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