Chinese Simplified (简体中文)

AddWords Method of the Dictionary Object

This method adds a group of words to the dictionary. If any of the words you are adding already exists in the dictionary, no duplicate will be created, but the weight of this word will be equal to the maximum of the weight specified in dictionary and the weight you pass in call to this method.


  IStringsCollection* Words,
  IIntsCollection*    Weights


[in] This parameter of the StringsCollection type contains the collection of the newly added words.
[in] This parameter of the IntsCollection type that must have the same size as the collection of words, is used to pass information about the weights for the newly added words. The weights for the words must be in the range from 1 to 100. This parameter is optional and can be 0, in which case all the words will be included in the dictionary with default weights of 100. The weight assigned to the word in the dictionary may have a set of discrete values only. The value passed in this parameter is rounded to the nearest of the discrete set of values.

Return values

This method has no specific return values. It returns the standard return values of ABBYY FineReader Engine functions.


  • For more efficient operation it is recommended to pre-sort the added words in alphabetical order.
  • For adding one word into the dictionary, you can use the IDictionary::AddWord method.

See also



7/3/2024 8:50:10 AM

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