Skrifttyper, der kræves til korrekt visning af tekster i understøttede sprog

OCR-sprog Skrifttype
Abkhasisk Arial Unicode MS(*)
Avar Arial Unicode MS(*), Lucida Sans Unicode
Agul Arial Unicode MS(*), Lucida Sans Unicode
Adyghe Arial Unicode MS(*), Lucida Sans Unicode
Altaic Arial Unicode MS(*), Lucida Sans Unicode
Arabisk Arial Unicode MS(*)
Armensk (østlig, vestlig, Grabar)* Arial Unicode MS(*)
Bashkir* Arial Unicode MS(*), Palatino Linotype
Vietnamesisk Arial Unicode MS(*)
Gagauz Arial Unicode MS(*)
Dargwa Arial Unicode MS(*), Lucida Sans Unicode
Zulu Arial Unicode MS,(*), Lucida Sans Unicode
Hebraisk Arial Unicode MS(*), Aharoni, David, Levenim mt, Miriam, Narkisim, Rod
Yiddish Arial Unicode MS(*)
Ingush Arial Unicode MS(*), Lucida Sans Unicode
Kabardinsk Arial Unicode MS(*), Lucida Sans Unicode
Kinesisk (forenklet), kinesisk (traditionelt)

Arial Unicode MS(*), SimSun skrifttyper

Eksempel SimSun (Founder Extended), SimSun-18030, NSimSun.

Simhei, YouYuan, PMingLiU, MingLiU, Ming(for-ISO10646), STSong

Koreansk, koreansk (Hangul)

Arial Unicode MS(*), SimSun skrifttyper

Eksempel SimSun (Founder Extended), SimSun-18030, NSimSun.

Simhei, YouYuan, PMingLiU, MingLiU, Ming(for-ISO10646), STSong

Koryak Arial Unicode MS(*), Lucida Sans Unicode
Lak Arial Unicode MS(*), Lucida Sans Unicode
Lezgi Arial Unicode MS(*), Lucida Sans Unicode
Mansi Arial Unicode MS(*), Lucida Sans Unicode
Mari Arial Unicode MS(*)
Ossetisk Arial Unicode MS(*)
Russisk (gammel stavemåde) Arial Unicode MS(*), Palatino Linotype
Tabasaran Arial Unicode MS(*), Lucida Sans Unicode
Tadsjikisk Arial Unicode MS(*), Palatino Linotype
Thai Arial Unicode MS(*)
Udmurt Arial Unicode MS(*)
Khakass Arial Unicode MS(*)
Khanty Arial Unicode MS(*)
Hausa Arial Unicode MS(*), Lucida Sans Unicode
Tjetjensk Arial Unicode MS(*), Lucida Sans Unicode
Chuvash Arial Unicode MS(*)
Chukchee Arial Unicode MS(*), Lucida Sans Unicode
Yakut Arial Unicode MS(*)

Arial Unicode MS(*), SimSun skrifttyper

Eksempel SimSun (Founder Extended), SimSun-18030, NSimSun.

Simhei, YouYuan, PMingLiU, MingLiU, Ming(for-ISO10646), STSong

Hvor der findes/leveres med

(*) Microsoft Office 2000 eller senere

12.06.2024 14:29:24

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