Rescanning is required if some documents are impossible to process. In this case, a Verification Operator sends them to the Scanning Operator for rescanning. Such tasks are displayed at the top of the instrument panel of the Batches view. To see the list of rescanning tasks, select Rescan Tasks in the List option.
The list contains the name and priority of the task, its status ("Unprocessed task", "Postponed"), date and time of task creation.
To start processing a rescanning task, click on the link with the task name.
To process a rescanning task, do the following actions:
- Get task by selecting it from the list on the station main page.
- If necessary, add missing pages from scanner or from image files.
- Send the batch to server for further processing.
The differences and additional possibilities of Rescanning tasks are described below.
Working with task
Interface and the ways of operating the rescanning page are similar to the page of batch creation and submitting it for recognition. Previously scanned documents can be deleted and if necessary scanned anew, individual document pages or the whole document can be rescanned, page orientation can also be changed. Besides, within a rescanning task you can add any number of new pages and work with them without any restrictions.
Working with documents and pages
Rejecting task
Sending task to Exceptions
Saving task for further processing
Sending task
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