Creating a batch and submitting it for recognition

This page is used for processing images before submitting them for recognition. The page is opened automatically after creating a new batch and adding documents to it. You can also open this page from the list of Batch view to edit a selected batch.

Batch view interface

To form a batch and send it to recognition, do the following actions:

  1. Add all required pages and place them in the desired order. If necessary, enhance the images and flip pages.
  2. If necessary, form documents, if it was not done automatically.
    Note: If documents are formed in the Web Scanning Station, they will be preserved during later processing. If the documents are not formed in the sent batch, it will be done automatically in the server according to the specified settings in the import or recognition stage.
  3. Send the batch to the server.

Actions with pages

Adding pages

Viewing page

Selecting several pages

Deleting pages

Moving pages

Changing page orientation

Actions with documents

Creating a document

Viewing document registration parameters

Selecting several documents

Merging documents

Splitting documents

Deleting documents

Actions with batch

Sending batch to server

Viewing batch registration parameters

Saving the batch for further processing

4/12/2024 6:16:03 PM

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