Contains statistics for each document editing event.
Diagram of relationships between Processing logs tables
List of columns
Name | Type | Required | Description |
AssemblingErrorsIn | int | yes | The number of errors made during the assembly of the document by the time it enters a particular processing stage. |
AssemblingErrorsOut | int | yes | The number of errors made during the assembly of the document by the time its processing at a particular processing stage has been completed. |
CorrectedSymbols | int | yes | The number of corrected characters in the document. |
DocErrorsIn | int | yes | The number of rule errors in the document when it enters a particular processing stage. |
DocErrorsOut | int | yes | The number of rule errors in the document when it leaves a particular processing stage. |
EventId | bigint | yes | Event identifier. Corresponds to the entry identifier in the EventLog table. |
ExtendedData | A JSON file with extended information about the document (document source, list of fields, pages, errors at various processing stages, etc.). | ||
FieldErrorsIn | int | yes | The number of formatting errors in the document when it enters a particular processing stage. |
FieldErrorsOut | int | yes | The number of formatting errors in the document after its processing at a particular processing stage has been completed. |
FieldsForVerificationIn | int | yes | The number of fields that have to be verified in the document when it enters a particular processing stage. |
FieldsForVerificationOut | int | yes | The number of fields that still have to be verified in the document after its processing at a particular processing stage has been completed. |
Flags | int | yes | Reserved for future use. |
ProcessingStageId | int | yes | The identifier of the processing stage at which the document was edited. |
SecondsCount | int | yes | The amount of time in seconds spent on editing the document. |
SymbolsForVerificationIn | int | yes | The number of characters that have to be verified in he document when it enters a particular processing stage. |
SymbolsForVerificationOut | int | yes | The number of characters that still have to be verified in the document after its processing at a particular processing stage has been completed. |
VerifiedFieldsIn | int | yes | The number of fields that have been verified in the document when it enters a particular processing stage. |
VerifiedFieldsOut | int | yes | The number of fields that have been verified in the document when its processing during a particular stage has been completed. |
4/12/2024 6:16:02 PM