RTRResultStabilityStatus enumeration

Result stability status: the estimate of how stable the result is, and whether it is likely to be improved by adding new frames. We do not recommend using the results in any way while stability is below RTRResultStabilityAvailable.

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, RTRResultStabilityStatus) {


Name Description
RTRResultStabilityNotReady No content available.
RTRResultStabilityTentative Content detected on a single frame.
RTRResultStabilityVerified Content verified: matching content found in at least two frames.
RTRResultStabilityAvailable Matching content found in three or more frames. The content is recognized and the result is available, though the result can still vary with the addition of new frames.
RTRResultStabilityTentativelyStable The result has been stable in the last two frames.
RTRResultStabilityStable The result has been stable in the last three or more frames.

3/2/2022 12:59:15 PM

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