RTRCoreAPICropOperation protocol
An operation for image crop. The crop is performed on the image taking into account the orientation that is stored in certain metadata of the corresponding UIImage object (see the UIImageOrientation for more information).
This operation not only crops the image but also applies perspective distortion if needed.
Use the applyToImage: method of the RTRCoreAPIImageOperation protocol to apply the operation to the image.
Name | Type | Description |
documentBoundary | NSArray<NSValue*>*, read-only |
[in] The detected document boundary. Currently the result is always returned as the four vertex points of the bounding quadrangle. The vertices are indexed clockwise starting from the bottom left. Get the NSValue.CGPointValue property to obtain point coordinates as a CGPoint. |
documentSize | CGSize | [in, optional] the document size in millimeters. |
imageResolution | CGSize | [out] Image resolution as calculated from image size and physical page size. |
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