RTRDataCaptureService protocol

A background data capture service protocol. Inherits from the RTRRecognitionService protocol.

This protocol is adopted by the data capture service object returned by the createDataCaptureServiceWithDelegate:profile: method. Its methods are used to tune the processing settings, pass video frames from the camera to the background processing engine, and release the resources afterwards.

The data capture service requires a delegate that conforms to the RTRDataCaptureServiceDelegate protocol. The service informs the delegate when the result is ready, sends progress information, warnings and errors.


Name Description
- addSampleBuffer: Sends the video frame obtained from camera to the service. Inherited from the RTRRecognitionService protocol.
- configureDataCaptureProfile Creates a profile builder object with which you will be able to configure the data capture service to recognize fields of a specific type.
- setAreaOfInterest: Sets the search area on the frame. Inherited from the RTRRecognitionService protocol.
- stopTasks Stops processing and releases the resources used by the service. Inherited from the RTRRecognitionService protocol.

02.03.2022 12:59:15

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