RTRImagingCoreAPI protocol
Provides access to low-level single image core API functions for current thread. Inherits from the RTRCoreAPI protocol. Should be used on the same thread on which it was created. Multiple objects can be created on different threads and used concurrently. All methods are synchronous (blocking) and should not be used on UI thread. Intended for advanced users.
Name | Description |
- loadImage:error: | This method loads the image object into the internal format. |
- createDetectDocumentBoundaryOperation | Creates an operation for document boundary detection. |
- createQualityAssessmentForOCROperation | Creates an operation for image quality assessment for OCR. |
- createCropOperation | Creates an operation for image crop. |
- createRotateOperation | Creates an operation for rotating the image. |
- createExportToPngOperation: | Creates an operation for exporting image to PNG format. |
- createExportToJpgOperation: | Creates an operation for exporting image to JPG format. |
- createExportToJpg2000Operation: | Creates an operation for exporting image to JPG 2000 format. |
- createExportToPdfOperation: | Creates an operation for exporting image to PDF format. |
3/2/2022 12:59:15 PM