AUIDataField interface

A recognized data field. Provides field contents, location and included data fields, if applicable.

Note that a field may have several components — for example, it can contain two or more words. Component details are available from the components array. Each element of this array is a dataField object with its own text property (for example, a word), quadrangle property (the bounding quadrangle of this component) and the rect property (rectangle bounding the quadrangle of this component). The field's text property contains its entire text, and the field's quadrangle property represents the whole area of a field: this quadrangle encloses the quadrangles of all components.

The components array always contains at least one element. When a field contains only one component, the text and quadrangle properties of the field and this component are identical.


Name Type Description
id NSString* The internal field identifier.
name NSString* The human-readable name of the field.
text NSString* The text of the field.
rect CGRect The rectangle, containing the field. Rectangle is defined by width, height and upper-left corner. May be returned null.
quadrangle NSArray<NSValue*>* The four vertex points of the bounding quadrangle. The vertices are indexed clockwise starting from the bottom left.
components NSArray<AUIDataField*>* An array of data fields, representing one complex field found in the image, with all additional information.
textLines NSArray<AUITextLine*>* An array of recognized text lines; the location and additional information are also available.

02.03.2022 12:59:15

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