initWithEngine: method of the AUIMultiPageImageCaptureScenario interface

Connects the AUIMultiPageImageCaptureScenario object with the RTREngine object that implements capturing and recognition.

- (instancetype)initWithEngine:(RTREngine*)engine pageStorage:(id<AUIPageStorage>)storage NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
- (instancetype)initWithEngine:(RTREngine*)engine storagePath:(NSString*)path error:(NSError**)error;


An instance of the corresponding to the scenario RTREngine object.
Previously created AUIPageStorage object with images.
Absolute path to the folder with images that will be converted into the AUIPageStorage object.
The error that has occurred. In case no errors occurred, this parameter is nil.

Return values

The method returns an instance of the AUIMultiPageImageCaptureScenario interface initialized with the RTREngine object.

3/2/2022 12:59:15 PM

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