RTREngine class

The main ABBYY Mobile Capture SDK class which serves to initialize the library and create a background recognition service. It is a singleton class: only one instance may exist at a time. Repeated attempts to create an RTREngine object will return the same object.


Name Type Description
extendedSettings RTREngineSettings, read-only Additional settings for ABBYY Mobile Capture SDK engine which apply to all processing scenarios.
sharedEngine RTREngine, read-only Returns the shared instance of the engine. If there was no successful calls of + sharedEngineWithLicenseData: method, returns nil.


Name Description
+ sharedEngineWithLicenseData: Creates the RTREngine object or returns its existing instance.
- createCoreAPI Creates a core API object which provides access to low-level single image processing functions.
- createDataCaptureServiceWithDelegate:profile: Creates a background service for data capture.
- createTextCaptureServiceWithDelegate: Creates a background service for text recognition.
- createImageCaptureServiceWithDelegate: Creates a background service for image capture.
- dataSchemesForProfile:error: Returns full list of supported data schemes for specified profile.
- languagesAvailableForOCR Returns the set of languages which can be used for text recognition.
- languagesAvailableForBCR Returns the set of languages which can be used for business cards recognition.

3/2/2022 12:59:15 PM

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